Naev is a 2D space trading and combat game, taking inspiration from the Escape Velocity series, among others. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
You pilot a space ship from a top-down perspective, and are more or less free to do what you want. As the genre name implies, you are able to trade and engage in combat at will. Beyond that, there is an ever-growing number of storyline missions, equipment, and ships; Even the galaxy itself grows larger with each release. For the literarily-inclined, there are large amounts of lore accompanying everything from planets to equipment.
* Updated sources
* Updated libs
* Disabled OpenAL (it segfaulted, sdl_mixer is working fine)
Albert is a fast and flexible keyboard launcher, ported to Pandora by Canseco.
OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest stable release.
– Updated sources and libs.
RSS Guard is simple (yet powerful) feed reader. It is able to fetch the most known feed formats, including RSS/RDF and ATOM. RSS Guard is developed on top of the Qt library. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
Qmmp is an audio-player, written with the help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
Release notes:
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It is meant to be used for editing maps of any tile-based game, be it an RPG, a platformer or a Breakout clone. The program is very flexible, for example there are no restrictions on map size, tile size or the number of layers or tiles. Also, it allows arbitrary properties to be set on the map, its layers, the tiles or on the objects. The homepage of the program itself is located here. Its map format (TMX) is relatively easy to understand and allows a map to use multiple tilesets while also allowing each tileset to grow or shrink as necessary later. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
VChar64 is an editor for the Commodore 64/128. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
QupZilla is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarantees fast browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Compiled with QT 5.8.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated libs.
OpenXcom is an open-source remake of the popular UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA) videogame by Microprose, licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
How to install:
* Need Timidity Midi Installer.
* Need original data files for Xcom Enemy Unknown or Xcom Ufo defense.
* Data folder: appdata/openxcom/share/openxcom/data
* First execution ask for password to copy /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg to /etc or game will not start.
* More info:
– Latest git release. It works with UFO or TFTD and mods (Final Mod 1.9.6c tested).
– Updated libs and sources.
KeePassXC is a fork of KeePassX] that [aims to incorporate stalled pull requests, features, and bug fixes that have never made it into the main KeePassX. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.