RPS PSP v2 (PSP Lua Game)

RPS PSP is a simple version of that game you all played in school or like me still make a competition with my school mates.

It’s very easy to understand:
Square: Rock
Cross: Paper
Triangle: Scissors


– now one LUA Script
– choose between three audio tracks
– sound when choosing rock, paper or scissors
– selfmade PSP symbols

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LuaPlayer Euphoria v5 (PSP misc)

LuaPlayer Euphoria is another enhanced LuaPlayer for PSP. Please check the release thread for more information.

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ColeCOO v1.0 (Coleco emu for Dingoo)

ColeCOO is a NATIVE ColecoVision emulator for Dingoo by alekmaul!

Thanks to alekmaul himself for the news.

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iPhoneToday v1.0c (PPC Application)

iPhoneToday aims to be an iPhone Today style interface for Pocket PC’s.


– Multiples screens (With animates transactions)
– Notification on icons for calls, sms, etc
– Is a Today (No problems when we push the home button, no problems with incoming calls, …)
– Compatibility with others todays (By example: Date Today and iPhoneToday after), today height configurable
– QVGA, VGA, WVGA… (The user define the icon size and height screen)
– UI for Icons managings
– UI for configuration
– Very low memory


– Added option to ignore rotation (for peoples with problems to return to portrait)
– For Mortscripters: Added fuctionality for reload icons (If you set the registry entry “HLKM/Software/iPhoneToday/reloadIcons” to 1 the icons are reload automatically)
– Added Donate Buttom
– Small internal changes

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KeepMyTones v1.1 (PPC Application)

KeepMyTones V1.1 – Saving your Contact Ringtone and Sounds & Notifications Settings.


– List All Contacts and wether they have a ringtone or not.
– Save/Restore Contact Ringtone Settings.
– Edit/Remove Contact Ringtone (WMA and MP3 Supported).
– (NEW) Ability to decided where to save the file and where to restore from.
– (NEW) Save/Restore your Sounds & Notification Settings

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Phone Creeper v0.7 (PPC Application)

Phone Creeper is a phone espionage suite.

Currently it has the following features:

To receive call history, send the following text to phone with this installed on it:
chetstriker getcalls
To turn on ringer (and loud) in case you can’t find it and it’s close:
chetstriker turnonringer
To retrieve the external IP Address of your phone, assuming connected:
chetstriker getip
To receive last 10 call logs(even if deleted):
chetstriker getcalllogs
To receive live SMS notifications on SMS and CALL transactions:
chetstriker liveon
To turn off live notifications:
chetstriker liveoff
To lock PDA:
chetstriker lock
To run a program (exec is the program name):
chetstriker run exec
To run a program (exec is the program name, arg is any arguments added):
chetstriker run exec | arg
To setup FTP account to retreive without SMS (make sure you add space | space in between):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass
To setup FTP account (use this if not using default port 21):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass | port
To setup FTP account (use this if ftp not saving to default base path):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass | port | ftp_path

To receive any log by ftp, you can preseed any get command with ftp:
chetstriker getcalllogs would become chetstriker ftpgetcalllogs

To add call blocking: (communication either way with specified number will disconnect)
chetstriker addblk 8005551212
To add call redirecting: (if phone dials a specific nuumber it will cancel and dial an alternate number instead)
chetstriker addredir ifthisnumbercalls sendtothisnumber
To remove call blocks:
chetstriker delblks
To remove call redirects:
chetstriker delredir
To get contacts: (from memory)
chetstriker getcontacts
To get appointments:
chetstriker getappts
To get tasks:
chetstriker gettasks
To set emergency SMS number:
chetstriker setemerg 8005551212
To get phone info: (IMEI, username, email, radio version, etc.)
chetstriker getinfo
To get gps location and google maps link:
chetstriker getpos
Deletes Contacts, Appointments, Task:
chetstriker deleteaccts
Displays command list:
chetstriker help
To receive incoming SMS mesages:
chetstriker getrecsms
To get logged received SMS mesages: (includes deleted messages, last 10)
chetstriker getreclog
To receive sent SMS messages:
chetstriker getsentsms
To receive logged sent SMS mesages: (includes deleted messages, last 10)
chetstriker getsentlog
To delete all SMS messages:
chetstriker delallsms
To delete received SMS messages:
chetstriker delrecsms
To delete sent SMS messages:
chetstriker delsentsms
To wipe your storage card:
chetstriker wipeflash
To send a fart:
chetstriker fart
To send a pop-up message:
chetstriker message “insert msg here, without quotes”
To create a silent callback through remote speakerphone:
chetstriker callback
To bounce sms off phone to someone else:
chetstriker bounce sms “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To send your eaves droping call to someone else:
chetstriker bounce call “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To change password:
chetstriker change “newpassword”
(Obviously change “newpassword” to be what ever password you want and don’t type the quotes.)
After you have changed your password, make sure you use the new commands accordingly. For example, if I changed the password to yellow and wanted to get call history. I would from now on type:
yellow getcalls


* White pixel gone at start
* Hear phone ringing when using callback fixed
* Gps fix (now keeps updating)
* Get sent sms logs (even deleted)
* Remotely turn on loud ringer (to find your phone)
* Get IP Address
* Fix callback making screen stay off
* Fix callback failing because + is removed

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Another Pool (Apool) v0.982 DC (DC Game Port)

Another Pool is a 2D computer billiards simulation with an acceptable physical behaviour of the balls using SDL as graphical subsystem.

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Freecell2x (27-07-2009) (Wiz Game)

Freecell2x is is an improved version of Freecell which is similar to the Windows version.,0,0,0,25,165

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Open SRAM Language Modifier v2 (Wii Application)

This is an application to toggle SRAM settings such as the mono/stereo setting and the language used by GameCube games and the system IPL. The goal of this app is to make PAL GameCube games run on a NTSC GameCube/Wii with the desired language, because all PAL games will play in english on a NSTC environment.

This is a clone of emu_kidid’s SRAM Language Modifier v1.1. It has the same features except the SRAM HEX viewer (planned for the next version).

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BootMii Configuration Editor v2.2 (Wii Application)

BootMii Configuration Editor llows you to change the values in the /bootmii/bootmii.ini file without having to take out the SD card and edit it on a PC.


Additional Languages, Dutch, Finnish and German. Thank you to the following people for providing new translations
Dutch/Nederlands – MarioWaza
Finnish/Suomi – JaniN
German/Deutsch – Helsionium
Addition of 2 new skins, Monochrome and Green Screen.
Correction of the update version checking.
Resolved pointer corruption issue that resulted in sporadic crashes.
Separation of XML Files into 3 different files to make it easier to add new languages/skins

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