Pollux DPC Set (R1) (Wiz misc)

With this file it is possible to reduce screen tearing and remove stutter on firmware 1.1.0 in many games.,0,0,0,8,136

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Mobile Media Center v1.0.2 (PPC Application)

Mobile Media Center allows you to listen to music, watch pictures, play videos and keep up with RSS feeds / podcasts / vodcasts, all on your Windows Mobile device. It can be controlled by the touch of your finger.


It appeared we made an error in the setup package: a file, that is required for bluetooth control of the player (AVRCP support), was not included in the setup… This error was repaired in version 1.0.2.

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Bunjalloo v0.7.4 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images.

Release notes by Quirky:

What a disaster! You wait ages for a release of Bunjalloo, then 2 arrive in 2 days. Let me tell you how this happened.

I use version control for all of the main code. All my own code, that is. I also have a big bunch of downloadable 3rd party libraries that Bunjalloo needs. The build system only deals with my own code, it doesn’t handle the 3rd party libraries that I install to $DEVKITPRO/libnds and assume are pretty much fixed. So stuff like libpng, jpeg, zlib, the matrix ssl library, all of these have to be downloaded, compiled and installed separately. I have a few patches that I’ve applied on top of these libraries too. All of these steps are handled by a script that downloads the source files, patches them if needed, compiles and installs. These patches are changes that would either never be accepted in the core library – removing printfs for example, or changing the Makefiles for the DS – or in the case of matrix, the upstream authors don’t seem to have any real “community” or way to send them patches.

These libraries are all relatively stable, and when I upgrade devkitPro I can just run my script to install the latest versions. I’ve also put a tarball of the compiled code on the Google Code site to make your life easier if you want to compile Bunjalloo from code.

There are some libraries here that I’ve not yet mentioned and that I mostly take “as is”. These are the core devkitPro libraries for the NDS – libnds, libfat, and friends. But! I have also been patching dswifi since about Bunjalloo v0.7 to fix an issue with non blocking sockets that just can’t be worked around.

Thanks to an oversight I didn’t apply the patch when I installed the latest dswifi 0.3.9, which meant that the sockets are not dealt with properly. I assume a socket has connected before it really has, and start shoving data in before it’s ready. This has the result that after a few page loads sockets just stop connecting, presumably because I’ve filled up some buffers with junk. Pages no longer load and the whole thing grinds to a halt.

The solution? Short term, I’ve patched dswifi again and uploaded v0.7.4. Longer term, I’ve added a bug report to devkitpro on sourceforge. Hopefully my patch can get integrated and I don’t have to apply the changes manually each time I upgrade the DS toolchain. I should have done this a while ago really.

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PsPlugin Manager (02-07-2009) (PSP Applokation)

thecraziness1 released a Plugin Manager for PlaystationPortable.


This program allows you to easily all the top best plugins out there. It also allows you to edit the plugins that have config files such as noobs Dayiewer from within the program so there is no need to go in and manually edit the text files. It also allows you to easily install and uninstall Torch’s Lock XMB. Which now supports phat and slim models and all plugins work on all firmwares up to 5.00 M33-6 definitly but should also work on 5.50 GEN.

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BootMii Configuration Editor v2.0 (Wii Application)

BootMii Configuration Editor llows you to change the values in the /bootmii/bootmii.ini file without having to take out the SD card and edit it on a PC.


Settings Dialog to change editor settings. This can be accessed by pressing the ‘HOME’ button. The settings are persisted to the langauges file, so if you change the language/skin, whenever you load BootMii Configuration Editor, your selected options will be the default

Internationalisation Supported (Currently English & Spanish Langauges available). Further langauges can be added by editing the bce_messages.xml file. See the readme.txt for details of how to do this

Skins/Colour Change. The application can now be presented in a number of look & feels. Initially the following skins are available:
* Windows – Windows Installer/DOS like look/feel with a blue background and grey windows
* Console – Black background, white text with other colour text to highlight options/selections
* Inverse Console – White background, black text with other colour text to highlight options/selections

Online version Checking. When the Editor is loaded, it performs a check to see if the version running is the latest available version. If a newer version is available, then a message is shown for a few seconds during startup to indicate this. This online checking can be disabled if you do not wish BootMii Configuration Editor to check for a new version or do not have the wii networked. If you wish to disable this check, see the instructions in the readme.txt

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OpenLiero (02-07-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

OpenLiero is the engine-rewrite for the cool old worms-like shooter Liero.

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REminiscence (02-07-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game “Flashback: The Quest for Identity” made by Delphine Software and released in 1992.

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Bugiin v1.3 (Wii Game)

If you have ever played Mario Paint for the SNES, then you have probably played the Gnat Attack game (also known as Coffee Break). brunette_redhead’s game is a spinoff of this, created for the Wii.

There are two main game modes, the “Classic” mode, which is level based much like the original. There is also a “Swarm” mode which features endless enemies.


Classic mode supports 2 players now.
An options menu has been added to select graphics mode and toggle music/sfx.
Swarm mode uses new swatter graphics.
Screen shots can be taken by pressing the 1 button at any time.
Pressing the 2 button brings up a help screen.
Pressing plus during gameplay pauses game.
Added border during gameplay.

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YouTool v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Your buddy just sent you a link to a YouTube video, but you are at work where the website is blocked. What do you do?

You have an iPhone which can watch YouTube videos! But wait, how do you launch that specific video your buddy sent? Easy!

Open up YouTool and type in the YouTube Video Code found at the end of all YouTube URLs. YouTool will launch the native iPhone YouTube app and you will be watching your YouTube video in seconds!

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HostMonitor v1.0 (iPhone Application)

The application can monitor these services: ICMP Echo, FTP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, SMTPS, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, POP3, POP3S, IMAP2, IMAPS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle.

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