Gameboy4iPhone v1.5.0 (GBC emu for iPhone)

Gameboy4iPhone, a Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for iPhone has been released to the public. There is a small restriction, as it’s currently only available for people using the Cydia installer.


Never heard of Cydia? It’s a quickly progressing package distribution software that is similar in concept to, but better framework than It’s made by Saurik of Saurik has helped me greatly in improving my softwares performance by providing me the tools I truly needed for development. His work is top notch.

I have been adding support to Cydia in addition to I currently have everything implemented, and to begin rolling out my Cydia repo, I am announcing an early release of gameboy4iphone v1.5.0 public for Cydia users.

Once you have Cydia installed, simply goto All Packages and goto the “Z” letter down to ZodTTD Repo. Install my repo and refresh the sources. Then goto “Games” and you will see gameboy4iphone there.

gameboy4iphone v1.5.0 is a brand new version, and first to be seen by the public. It is based on a port of GnuBoy done by yoyofr and Tinnus. It is fullspeed, fully featured, and has nice sound too! It even limits its speed to actual Gameboy framerate if going too fast.

I hope to see some new Cydia users, and people enjoying this limited early release. Although it will be on in the coming days, those who give things a go are more than welcome to share their feedback in the ZodTTD gameboy4iphone forums.

If you like gameboy4iphone and would like to donate, click here and you will get my current and future betas to test.

ZodTTD 🙂

PS: Plenty of free GB/GBC roms can be found here: //files/gameboy/

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Allegro v4.3.10 plus SVN GP2x DIFF (GP2x misc)

This is a patch to the Allegro 4.3.10plus SVN to work on GP2X. It is the same 4.2.0 patch fixed for this Allegro version. Just compiling with this version, applications might get a 70-100% speedup! Beware this is a development version of Allegro.,0,0,0,19,2551

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LB WIP (GP2x Game)

News from the Giana’s Return team, but not actually about Giana’s Return itself.


As we are currently waiting for more graphics and have time in between, due to this we started the work on our runner up project “LB”. It’s going to be a Jump’n’Shoot game with a sciene fiction topic. We will use the Giana’s Return engine, this also grats, that this game will be available on multiple platforms.

The team will be slightly different from the original Giana’s Return team, so we can assure a much faster release 😉 Give us your thoughts!

Possible platforms of release: GP2x, Dreamcast, PSP, maybe others…

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Gshot (GP2x Application)

Vshot is an easy to use tool for taking screenshots on GP2X. Unlike other similar tools, it can handle non-standard framebuffer locations and all RGB graphic modes, so it works with most programs out there. It can run in the background and wait for a button press, and uses PNG format (libpng) for it’s output.

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Zelda Classic v0.3 alpha (GP2x Game)

Hitnrun ported Zelda Classic to the GP2x, it’s an unofficial port.


– 70-100% speedup, by some optimizations and migration to Allegro 4.3.10plus
– now we have an icon, thanks to Kenney!
– savestates MAY not be compatible because of Allegro version change

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PDRC #3.99 results (misc)

Dear visitors, dear competition contributors,

Finally they are here, the results of the recently held PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99. Unfortunatly with a hughe delay, due to my accident.

Before the results a thank you to the people who contributed us with prizes. In particular:
* Brandon Cobb –
* Enno Conners –
* Dan Wright –

Here are the long awaited results:
#1 eKid [GBA] SuperWings //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=430
#2 daaa57150 [PSP] Mega Drops //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=438
#3 Kukulcan [NDS] KuMoLo //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=433
#4 Haroldo [Master System] Headless Ninja Volley v0.9 //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=439
#5 Judas [PSP] BoxMan PSP v1a //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=436
#6 Quasist [GP2x] Mutant Tank Knights //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=432
#7 Dje [NDS] Completly Unrealistic Landing Simulation v0.1 //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=435
#8 Paolo [GP2x] 4WE //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=431
#9 Mia [NDS] Negative Space //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=434
#10 MK2k [PSP] Kakuro Nichiyou PSP v1.0 (Newspaper Edition) //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=437
#11 SoLo2 [GBA] Storm (09-03-2008) //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=429

Thanks to everyone who was part of this competition!
– Kojote/PDRoms

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PReSS v0.3 (PSP Application)

PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that’s just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable. Let PReSS connect to any WiFi access point and you’re good to go. With it’s 6 hour battery lifetime, reading the news while travelling was never easier.


– Slim support
– WPA and other encryption support
– personal feed catalogue
– mp3 download and playback
– mp4 and AVC video download
– atom/xml support added
– more reliable: http 1.1 protocol for image download
– ability to abort updating feeds
– faster feed saving
– remapped buttons (see read-me)
– support for larger images
– Real favicons instead of generic logo.
– faster panning in image view
– viewfinder in image view
– show/hide topics window
– Added to settings: Large thumbnail quality, 0 = display image as a link, 1-3 = image quality(only applicable for large images)

Thanks to for the news.

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WAD Installer v2 (Wii Application)

Waninkoko has updated his WAD installer for Wii.

Thanks to cid2mizard / for the news.

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FBI Archive (PSP Application)


Do you Know That FBI Agency got many Personal Informations about You..?
Yeah..I know it seems incredible..but true..
Here is a packed database of millions Entries from FBI servers (got by hack) and ported onto PSP..

Enter your name, and see What FBI Agents know about you..
I guess You’re always faltering, but why not have a test..? Nothing To loose…

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MTG HP Tracker (PSP Lua Application)

This application is a HP tracker for the Magic The Gathering card game. It can track the HP of up to 4 players.

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