TetriAbetes v1.36 (PSP Game)

dragula96 updated his Tetris game “TetriAbetes”.

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Alternative VSHMenu v4.1 (PSP Application)

What’s it? It is an Alternative VSHMenu that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenu and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenu from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!


-Added German, Italian and French translations.
-Added a tool to flash the plugin in Flash0 (so you can free a space for a new plugin in your PSP!).

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LightMP3 v2.0.0 (Alpha 4) (PSP Application)

sakya released a fourth alpha of his upcomming audio format player LightMP3.

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Termula2x v0.1.2 (GP2x Application)

Termula2x is a UNIX terminal emulator for GP2X, including vi text editor. It supports background images.

Release notes from canavar:


here is termula2x 0.1.2. it now uses selector v1.3b1 with touchscreen support and includes some bugfixes.

i currently have one gp2x f-100 running open2x on it. so i need testing on f-100 using fw2,fw3 and f-200.


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Terrance and Phillip (Build 12) (A2600 Game)

Do you remember the two farting guys “Terrance & Phillip” from South Park? Now those two guys have their very own computergame on the Atari 2600 platform.

Release notes:

Added 2 new screens and the ability to go backwards.

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OpenTyrian v0.1 DC (Alpha) (DC Game Port)

OpenTyrian is a port of the classic DOS game Tyrian to C using SDL, so it can run cross-platform without DOSBox. The developers have been given a copy of the original Turbo Pascal source to look at but not redistribute. The ‘Classic’ port is a direct port with minimal changes and will serve as a freely-distributable reference implementation thereafter.

indiket now ported this nice piece of work to the Dreamcast!

Release notes:

I just have ported OpenTyrian to Dreamcast, and here I publish my first “alpha” version.

OpenTyrian 0.1 DC (alpha)

– From svn revision 719 classic.
– Game is “playable”, I think it goes a little slow.
– Pad, mouse and keyboard should work.

Known problems:
– Instructions section doesn’t work and produce a crash…
– Sound and music work, but also they play badly. It would be great to implement an optimized sound routine (like gp2x version). Any ideas?
– Load and save doesn’t work yet (have to implement vmu routines).

– Analogic or digital stick to move spaceship.
– Start: Like enter button
– A: Fire
– X: Fires left secondary weapon.
– B: Fires two secondary weapons.
– L: Like escape button

Source font:
Bin file:
Cdi autoboot:

Update 1: KOS (the environment where I work for the dreamcast), has a bug that crashes when it does a free(NULL). It’s a problem of KOS and it only afects to dreamcast.

PD: Sorry for my bad english 😛

Thanks to for the news.

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Gianas Return WIP (GP2x misc)

Here comes a help request from the Giana’s Return team. It seems they have problems with their GFX guru.


Dear visitors,

We want to keep it short – we need a Pixel Graphics Artist for Giana’s Return to get things finished. We can not pay anything, we can only offer you fame (aka credits) and donations shares (if there will be any). Please keep in mind that this project is HOBBY & FUN for the team, nevertheless we want to see it in good condition and fully finished the next few weeks.

Your job would be:

* Cleaning Pixel Graphics
* Drawing minor objects
* Adjusting GFX Sets to match a theme
* Able to deal with color limitations

As the engine is already done, you wont have too much freedom (but a bit).

If you want to help, please write an email to the project organizer at shahzad(DOT)sahaib(AT)web(DOT)de – preferable with some sample work, or a link with sample work.

Thanks a lot!

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Rainbow Sprite Wars (03-03-2008) (NDS Game)

Rainbow Sprite Wars is a 2D sprite-based shooter.


* fewer enemies (2 + 2 + 16)
* larger turning radius for player (can’t reverse on a dime anymore, so watch out!)
* drag-shooting: hold L or R and drag to shoot; release and drag to drive

Release thread:

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Flight from the Dark (RC 6) (NDS Game)

This adventure game is a conversion of the famous Lone Wolf gamebooks written by Joe Dever in the 80’s. This is a release candidate, which means it’s almost in its final stage, but may still contain bugs.

Your goal is to go through the book by choosing your path and actions interactively. You will have to fight enemies, collect items and gold and make your choices wisely to survive this epic journey!


– Press LEFT or L or R to switch screens and access your character sheet. Click icons at the top of
the screen to change tabs.
– Press UP or DOWN to flip pages (or click on the Previous/Next icons).
– Make your choices by clicking on the brown links to follow the story.
– Greyed or dark links can’t be clicked. Links can be greyed out if you need to perform an action first
or miss some specific requirements.
– Press A or USE your map in your inventory to display the Sommerlund Map. Use the stylus or D-Pad to
scroll the map, and any button to exit.

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Powder (Build 102) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning.


Fixed the word-wrap code so you will not see commas at the start of new lines. (Elias Erkamo)
When you die the inventory cursor is reset to the first item so new games will see it in a reasonable starting location. (Colin Pritchard)
When ><0|V| polymorphs your equipped weapon, no longer destroy the weapon if it is polymorph resistant (ie, artifact, unchanging, quest item) (sparrowhawc) Gifted items now appear BY your feet, rather than skipping the preposition. (Michael Brough) Stoned characters no longer report a depth of 255 in the character dump. (Michael Brough) When charging a stack of items, the new charges are split among the items in the stack, meaning there is no longer a significant advantage to charging a stack versus individual items. KnownItems in the Option menu will give you a list of everything you have identified this game, similar to in Nethack. (conkstah) Can no longer swap places when either part is submerged or in a pit (Irashtar) "Prove your worth in my combat arena!" now has sufficient prepositions. (Michael Brough) "Suits of plate" rather than "Suites of plate". (Zach Firth) A wand of dig will make a pit in undiggable levels. (Zach Firth) A bit of spell rebalancing. Sticky flames increased to 10 MP to better reflect its utility. Sunfire significantly boosted as it is supposed to be more overpowered. Create Pit's cost reduced a bit making it a comparable root attack to force bolt. New spell, Flash, that takes Sticky Flame's spot in the spell pre-req chain. (Irashtar) Character dumps to .TXT files have line wrap set to 72 columns rather than 30 so posts of winning characters will be better formated. The input line now has a cursor showing where you are currently typing. A sad day indeed! The nifty mini-game to enter your name on the GBA has been removed in favour of a mundane and boring on screen keyboard! (Zappa Penguin) Text input area has been doubled in size to make it easier to type your name without precision stylus placement. (David Hong, Zappa Penguin) A cursor has been added to the text input to make it clear when space is hit. Your health and mana is now colour coded if it is not at maximum. Yes, David, I have already added a note that some people may want an option to disable this. Successfully compiled on a 64bit Linux machine, so hopefully all of my evil pointer casts have been dealt with. Throwing a -2 mithril chainmail in the air will no longer heal you. Belweir's library now also has scrolls. (Brog) Adjusted inventory wrapping again. Horizontal movement will only move which column you are in and no longer adjust your row. Vertical movement will stay inside the equipped item list if you start there, otherwise loop over all of your unequiped items. This better matches the logical separation of these two lists. (Irashtar) Finger of Death description adds some text to clarify it is a ray spell and accidents occur due to reflections. (Irashtar) Flails wildly replaced by Completely misses which is a bit less confusing about the origin of the text. (Irashtar) I normally document every small grammar fix that occurs, but then someone gives me a few pages of corrections. Numerous fixes thanks to R. Dan Henry.

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