GP32 Racing Game WIP (GP32 Game)

[SOD]Thor released a wip version of his wipeout like racing game for the GP32.

A wipeout like game (3D with 2D gameplay), I don’t know if I will finish it… It’s still early stage (flikering,bad gfx,endless race,bad ia…).

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TextTacToe v.1 (NDS Lua Game)

Image provided by: Mike HaggarMike Haggar has probably released the first NDS Lua game, Text Tac Toe.

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Rainbow Invaders v0.99 (A2600 Game)

Rainbow Invaders is a new Space Invaders style game for the Atari 2600 from Italian developer Silvio Mogno. While many games of this nature have been released for the 2600 (to say nothing of the countless Space Invaders hacks), Silvio’s game adds a breath of fresh air to the genre. Yes, you are shooting at descending waves of alien invaders, attempting to finish them off before they reach the ground. However, the aliens also periodically drop one of 16 random Special Shots, some of which will help and some of which will hinder your efforts if you catch them. Your ship also features a shield that will make you invulnerable for a few seconds, at the expense of not being able to fire again right away. [Text taken from]

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Records, Records and Records! (PDRoms misc)

I thought it’s time for a small status report. We have broken plenty of records recently.After seven years of PDRoms we are having an extreme rush of news. The first record was broken in December 2005, having 367 news. This was already insane and lot’s of work for us, as this is a non-profit page and we really spend lot’s of time to bring news. It can’t get any better? You are wrong!Right after the news-blow in December 2005 we had another in January 2006 – now counting 438 news! As everyone knows – all good things happen three times in a row – February 2006 was another month of records. February 2006 had _ONLY_ 450 news.By now we count 1005 news for 2006, which makes 14 news a day. Keep comming back and thanks for visiting PDRoms!-po’qako

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Combat Advance v0.2 (GBA Game)

Image provided by: sumiguchisumiguchi has updated his demogame”Combat Advance”. Changes:

v0.2 – Updated enemy animation and now it shoots back – Updated walls to be partially destructable – Added gun turrets – Added a time limit – Created a Level map – Added a start menu screen

You can voteherefor a poll, wheater the author should continue his work or not.

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PAlib Beta (05-03-2006) (NDS misc)

PAlib is a coding library for the Nintendo DS. This is a BETA version and is not intended to replace the current stable version. If you are unsure of what you are doing, do not use this version. Release notes:

It’s a major update to PAlib, not in terms of functionnality, but in it’s inner workings… I changed the way it’s compiled, renamed/moved/changed a lot of files. Because of this, you will have to delete both PAlib and PAlibExamples before using this version. I would recommend renaming them to OldPalib, etc… This version does not require recompiling, should work for both C and C++ (from what I tested), and takes much less memory. It only includes the used elements. So a simple text example takes 63kB, while 8bit text will take 300kB… No recompiling is necessary to take into account the different elements used. Using the keyboard will add an extra 20k, etc… Globably, you should always get smaller results than with any other PAlib version. PA_Config.h is dead ! I tested this version on a few codes I had, on superstar’s C++ demo he sent me, and it worked perfectly. I also compiled all the example to check that everything was ok, but couldn’t test it all on DS. Sprites seem 100% ok, as well as all the background functions. Text is perfect (except 16c text). Keyboard, recognition, pad and stylus work (C and C++). GBFS and PAFS seem to work too, all the 8/16bit functions, jpeg, gif and all seem to work. 2 3d examples are broken (looking for PAlogo which I don’t have ?), and video doesn’t compile (didn’t have the time to correct ityet). This will be fixed in the final release. Kleevah told me sound worked too !

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eLoader v0.96 (PSP Application)

eLoader is an application which allows you to play many homebrews on PSP with a 2.6 firmware. Release notes:

I’m proud to present the latest eLoader release – version 0.96, codenamed”Bi? d’Alsace”. The main focus of this release was to improve the configuration model, so that we have lots more flexibility for sorting out configuration problems. As well, we added a few features to spice things up. Here are the main highlights:

  • Full support for infra-red (for GTA-mode only).
  • Lots of extra configuration parameters, including GTA-only and TIFF-only options.
  • USB support in the menu (TIFF-mode only).
  • Use O as well as X to select in the menu.
  • Use Square to get EBOOT IDs from the menu.
  • Most corrupted menu icons now fixed.
  • GTA autoload option in installer.We did a lot of testing on this release, and it seems to be more stable than Brown Ale, but there’s always a chance that some things will be less stable.

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    Breakout PSP v0.1 (PSP Game)

    Breakout for the PSP by Andorien. This is NOT a Lua game 🙂

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    PSP Lua Air Hockey (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: xodiac21Here comes another xodiac21 game, PSP Lua Air Hockey. It’s a two player game.

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    Lua Avalanche r2 (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: Unknownxodiac21 has released a remake of an TI-83 game called”Avalanche”. It’s now available for the PSP.

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