Bash The Castle v1.0 (Wii Game)

Bash The Castle is an open-source game where you destroy castles by throwing rocks at them. This game uses Box2D physics engine and SDL for graphics and audio.

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ThemeMii v0.4 (Wii Application misc)

ThemeMii is a manager for Wii Themes. The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!


– Fixed bricking CSMs when contents doesn’t exists in original app
– Fixed installing to nand backup

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Misc (misc)

Dear all,

While I try my very best to keep PDRoms running as free and hopefully informative news source, my energy level is now at a level where it’s time for a battery refill – if a refill is possible at all.

I’ve been forcing myself the past weeks to keep things in the way they are, but they are just an additional load of things to do. For my very own sake and the sake of my family I’ve to pull the emergency break now.

PDRoms has two valuable helping hands, Kedo and Celeth, who will hopefully help out with news and further develop and improve the page itself.


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Bombs Away (02-03-2010 r2) (A2600 Game)

The object of the game is to zap the falling bombs before they reach the city below. You have a powerful laser beam that can be moved back and forth to take out the bombs. The city also has a set of shield defenses which will stop the bombs, but you won’t score any points for their desctruction. You also have one super powerful laser blast that you can deploy at any point during the game. It will destroy all of the falling bombs on the screen. To activate the super laser, push up on the joystick. You will receive 10 points for every bomb you destory, and as mentioned before, no points for bombs destroyed by the city shields.

The game is divided up into 12 levels, and with each passing level you’ll face a faster bombing raid on your city. Once you reach level 12, it’s a test of endurance – there will be no more pauses in the action until you reach the inevitable destruction of your city. You’ll see your city blow up when six bombs have hit. When the game pauses at each level, press down on the joystick when you’re ready to continue.

The city can survive six direct bomb hits before it’s destroyed. Your six hits are indicated with the level counter at the bottom of the screen. If you reach the end of a level and you’ve taken at least one hit you will gain one life back. Once you reach level 12, there are no more opportunities to gain extra lives.

This game includes the option of having a second player control the city’s shields using the right joystick. If no one is using the right joystick, the shields will hover back and forth automatically.

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PSPMAME v0.6 (Arcade emu for PSP)

PSPMAME is a multiple Arcade machine emulator for Playstation Portable.

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Nanodesktop v0.4.2 (PSP misc)

Nanodesktop is a general purpose software development kit (SDK) oriented to the creation of applications (scientific or general use) under embedded platforms like PSPE emulator or PSP (Sony Playstation Portable).


– NanoCore system libraries (sources and binaries);
– Nanodesktop library for PSP/PSPE (sources and binaries);
– Customized PSPDEV kit;
– Custom version of ndOpenCV (sources and binaries);
– New version of Nanodesktop HighGUI (sources and binaries);
– Custom versions of ndDevIL (sources and binaries);
– Modified versions of libjpg, libpng, libz, libtiff for opening/saving images (sources and binaries)
– Nanodesktop user guide;
– Nanodesktop Demo, ndOpenCV Applications, and ndHighGUI Applications;
– PSP Compilers;
– ndSIFT: a version of Scalar Image Features Transform designed for nd
– ndSQLite: a version of the library for database management designed for nd;
– ndGOCR: a version of GNU OCR (Optical Char Recognition)
– ndOCRAD: a version of GNU OCR (Optical Char Recognition)
– ndFLite: a version of Vocal Synthesis Engine designed for nd;
– ndPocketSphinx: a version of the CMU Voice recognition engine;
– ndLibsPopC: for accessing to the POP3 servers
– VOIP Libraries
– ndFreeType library for TTF support
– ndPython 2.52 interpreter, compiler, executor (with sources)
– ndMotion2D: parametric motion estimation program by INRIA
– ndSuperRes: a program for SuperResolution by Carlenton University
– ndImageMagick: a library for image manipulation
– ndMPEG2Dec: a MPEG2 decoder for nd

Thanks to for the news.

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Taggers v1.0 (Android Application)

Taggers is a location based micro-blogging (virtual graffiti), text chat, and reminders service. Taggers supports Android 1.5 and above.

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Balloon Popper v1.3 (Android Game)

You are a llama. A llama that hates balloons. Shoot those pesky bright cheerful colorful balloons out of the sky before you run out of loogie. More balloons with one loogie scores more points. Several balloons of the same color in a row scores even more points.

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Highway Patrol v1.1 (Android Game)

Drive along famous highways around the world, and smash into other cars for points and bonuses. Kill the other drivers when they run fleeing from the spinning wreckage! Will you reach the finish line before the time runs out?

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LED PartyBoard v2.9 (Android misc)

LED PartyBoard lets you type in a text, choose color and speed, and scroll the text sideways like a LED display on your Android! As seen on billboards, stock tickers, banners and traffic signs everywhere. Cool in the dark, and nifty to send very visible LED messages to that special someone when you’re out partying!

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