LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Maze Puzzles v1.1 (Android Game)

Maze Puzzles by TeamSid Games is a simple, fun filled Labyrinth game with breathtaking challenges. The game comes in 5 stages. Each stage reveals a new challenging factor. Move the steel ball to the target marker in the given time to attain stars. Completing the game before 10 seconds gives 3 stars, before 5 seconds gives 2 stars.

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Crazy Colors v0.2.3 (Android Game)

Crazy Colors is a puzzle game for Android by Awesome Twin Studios. 3 cards with different colors appear on your screen. Pick the one with the color writen below them, but don’t get distracted by the color of the word!

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 428 – I Don’t Wanna Grow Up (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week light defines form and shapes our understanding of space. We also hit the road while trying to avoid cholera, starvation or drowning in a river. Our listeners have shared so many memories of Toys ‘R’ Us that we had to make a special segment of it, and people are making some outrageous demands for the characters to be in the next Smash Bros game. We’re repairing N64 memory cards and trying to learn the difference between aisles and isles in this episode of the Retro League.

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The Assembly Line: An NES Homebrew Podcast – Episode #10 – NESdev Competition – Part 1 (NES misc)

The Assembly Line is a NES homebrew podcast started by Sole Goose Productions and Kevin. They cover a variety of theoretical topics, feature a central game under review, have guest interviews with folks, and also showcase some music.


Episode 10: NESdev Competition – Part 1

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Sydney Hunter & The Caverns of Death (Unboxing) (Commercial) (SNES Game)

John Riggs made a unboxing video of Collectorvision’s latest game Sydney Hunter & The Caverns of Death.

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Video: NES Programming #13 – Getting The Tool Ready To Export For NES (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #13 - Getting the tool ready to export for NES


In this episode, we did work to get the asset tool to output content for the NES. It’s counting the colors used by the images selected, generating a visible palette of 4 colors, warning if too many colors are used, and reducing the colors down to the 4-color palette. In the next episode, we’ll use this pre-work to export the data in a properly encoded NES tile format. We also showed how the data would be used in the schmup game by switching from hard-coded data to using .include and .incbin

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PCEngine-Turbografx ASM Programming ep02b – making your own sounds (PCE misc)

Chris Covell teaches us PC-Engine coding!

PCEngine-Turbografx ASM Programming ep02b - making your own sounds


In Episode 02 (second part), I try to explain how to create your own sounds on the PCE and employ tricks to bring it up a notch above those rather primitive waveforms.

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Sega Genesis Hardware Test Cartridge Review (Genesis misc)

Subtle electronic component failures can be difficult and time-consuming to track down. This test cartridge for the Genesis from Retro Gaming Arts promises to help…but is it worth the cost?

Sega Genesis Hardware Test Cartridge Review

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Tanglewood (Pre-Order) (Genesis Game)

Pre-Orders for Tanglewood by Big Evil Corporation are open! Boxed cartridge for SEGA Mega Drive, Genesis, and compatible clones. Multi-region cartridge supports PAL, NTSC, and NTSC-J format consoles – starting from 54,00 GBP!

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The Lost Strawberry X-Mas Edition (PICO-8 Game)

The Lost Strawberry X-Mas Edition is a PICO-8 game by egordorichev. You are a guy, who found his self in a mysterious, strange world. You try to get back to your world, but who knows, what will stop you in your way…

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