LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Qmmp v1.1.3.0 (Pandora Application Port)

Qmmp is an audio-player, written with the help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

Release notes:

– Latest stable release. See Changelog.
– Updated libs and sources.

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FocusWriter-QT5 v1.6.0.1 (Pandora Application Port)

FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free word processor. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

Release notes:

– Fixed slow program start, resizing background theme images to 800×480. Resizing 4K images was too much resource intensive.

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Telegram v0.10.00.09 (Pandora Application Port)

Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Fixed right-click crash

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RSS Guard v3.3.4.0 (Pandora Application Port)

RSS Guard is simple (yet powerful) feed reader. It is able to fetch the most known feed formats, including RSS/RDF and ATOM. RSS Guard is developed on top of the Qt library. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release, compiled with QT 5.7.0.
– Updated libs and sources.

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REV’n’GE Issue #62 (misc)

Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #62 is out!

REV'n'GE Issue #62

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Claws Mail v3.14.0.0 (Pandora Application Port)

Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader), based on GTK+. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release. Updated sources and libs.

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reicast v0.0.r6.13 (DC emu for Pandora)

reicast is an open source Dreamcast emulator ported to Pandora by ptitSeb. A DC-BIOS dump is required, which is not part of the emulator.


* Updated sources
* Improve “f” frameskip. Now it canbe Off or force to skip 1 to 4 frames
* Added “w” to swap DPad and LeftNub function
* Added “a” to switch the precision of the left nub. Default to Accurate.
* Improved speed with Sound on. Almost same speed as with sound off.

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The Battle for the Solar System – The Pandoran War v1.0.0.04 (Pandora Game Port)

The Battle for the Solar System – The Pandoran War is a 2D mission-based space shooter, based on the Battle for the Solar System space opera novel trilogy, and set between THE THIRD SIDE and THE ATTTRIBUTE OF THE STRONG. The game features many missions, with many different objectives and craft. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb!


* Based on v1.0 released

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FBI v2.4.2 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.


* Copy file attributes when pasting.
* Improve file attribute accuracy.
* Increase svchax reliability. (thanks @Plailect)
* Fix copying multiple times from archives that open with the same handle.
* Fix potential path corruption in most multi-file operations.

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Speccy v4.0.11 (Spectrum emu for Android)

Speccy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer emulator, but also emulates a Sam Coupe. It will run software written for Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2, +2A, +3, Timex Sinclair, Pentagon, and Skorpion home computers.


* Added 2xSAI, Scale2X, EPX, and EAGLE scalers using GLES2 shaders.
* Enable “Video | Hardware Acceleration” to see new scalers.
* Select your scaling algorithm via “Video | Scale Video”.
* Added Monochrome, Green, Amber, and Sepia color filters.
* Select your color filter via “Video | Color Filter”.
* Both shader-based and CPU-only filter algorithms are available.
* Added CPU-only Scale2X algorithm implementation.
* Fixed TV scanlines and raster settings.

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