Zock’n Roll by PSPfreak2007 is a puzzle game for the PlayStation Portable.
Added an update check while uploading or viewing scores
Added an Easy Installer written in java by qop
Fixed the joker function in field 13
Joyau is a Ruby interpreter. Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby originated in Japan during the mid-1990s and was initially developed and designed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. It is based on Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp ( Joyaus source code is released under the GPL licence.
Here is a new version, which fixes some bugs, and which adds support for lots of libraries included in Ruby’s stdlib…
Homebrew Sorter by Sakya helps to sorts your homebrew’s and ISO’s on your Playstation Portable. HomeBrew Sorter GUI is an enhancement of Sakya’s inital program.
– Support for 1.50 hombrew in folder+folder% style. (__SCE__ naming style already supported)
– Added ability to sort homebrew by category. A new menu appears for selecting category to edit.
– Added option “View all” that works as beta 2, but the category name is displayed like “Category: homebrew”.
– If there are no categories, View All is automagically run.
– Added check for eboot.pbp file presence (if no eboot.pbp, the folder won’t appear).
– Minor graphic changes (including eboot’s icon).
DayPR is a cheat device application for PSP.
Well heres a bug Fix of the latest DayPR fixed the scrolling bug where it didnt show the last cheat in the Hacks tab. I also added a Extra Cheat File thingy ma bob .-. where you can load a new set of cheats.
Please Read the README.txt included
And please contact me right away if you notice any new bugs
Just see if your EyeQ is as high as Einsteins IQ. Give it a try an improve your score. The more you play, the better you get.
Release notes:
I managed to fixed the black screen issue, it was indeed related to the save game issue. The download link in the top post is updated. I realise that running it on an emulator will not allow you to break the record… so no more excuses now. 🙂,179.0.html
Added Feb 2, 2010, Under:
Syobon Action Wii is a 2D Japanese freeware video game notoriously known as a parody of the Nintendo classic game Super Mario Bros. but with extremely difficult levels (Wikipedia).
Will is working on an adventure/RPG style game for Atari 2600 named “Dragon Attack”. The game is yet in early stages.
Release notes:
Hello everyone!
A while back on an Indenture thread I had posted a possible 2600 asm kernel that could be used to create asymmetrical playfields used by Indenture.
I’ve been playing around with it for a while, and have actually got it to the point where it supports not only asymmetrical playfields, but also multiple-color playfields and 2-scanline-resolution support for missile0 and missile1. What this means is that I can create a new version of Adventure that adds fire-breathing dragons, castle moats that need to be crossed with a bridge, and tons of other neat things.
Here are some screenshots and an NTSC binary of what I have so far. The binary is just a static frame, there’s no player or dragon movement coded yet. I just wanted to show that this is actually doable on the 2600, and not just a mockup.
What I eventually plan to do is incorporate:
– all 31 of the original rooms from Adventure
– 32 of my favorite rooms from Indenture, including the yellow maze, orange “ATARI” maze, and the green and silver castles.
– 34 original rooms
I’ll also be including the shield, flashlight (possibly reimagined as a torch), blue balloon, and a handful of rooms from my Duck Attack! homebrew.
Note that this isn’t a hack of Adventure (although I’ve got nothing against Adventure hacks, obviously); it’s a complete rewrite from scratch (although I’ll probably pull in some routines from Duck Attack! when appropriate – e.g. the fire-breathing logic.) Nonetheless, the basic gameplay should feel very familiar once it’s done.
I’ll post updates here as it progresses.
Fast Stable Menu (FSM) is a a basic menu for Dingux using a filebrowser type interface.
Added Feb 2, 2010, Under:
Meritous is an action-adventure dungeon crawl game.
26/01/2010: Fix for balmung sword and others artifacts bug.,0,0,0,26,2777