Transdroid v0.12.2 (Android Application)

Transdroid is an Android remote client for your torrent application running on a server or home computer. Currently Transmission, uTorrent, Bittorrent, Deluge and rTorrent are supported. It can show the active torrents, pause, resume or remove them and new torrents can be added via URL or as an extra via an isoHunt-powered search.

The application is currently in extensive development and can be beta-tested. It is open-source and free.

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DaedalusX64 (Revision 435) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[+] Re-enable optimization of JAL, JALR in the PSP code generator (Small Speed-up)
[+] Optimized ADDIU logic in the PSP code generator (Small speed-up)
[+] Simplify some logic for the Dynarec (Very Small speed-up)
[+] Added “Advanced Options” menu containing containing options that generally break more ROMs than they help. (Also for testing and bug reporting)
[!] Fixed saved Controller Configuration not being loaded on ROM Initialization (Bug #25)

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MLlib v1.1.5b (Wii misc)

The MLlib (or Minishlink’s Library) is a simple library to develop on Nintendo Wii. Technically, it’s a wrapper of libogc and others librairies. Coding with this lib on Wii should be way easier and faster now!


Proper code so that it’s nice to see;
Easy for all;
Friendly functions;
Handles drawing (lol);
Sprite system;
Handles PNG images;
Special effects;
Write graphically text;
MP3 system;
MOD system;
Input (Wiimote, Nunchuk, and extensions…) system;
And much more…


Now compatible with DevkitPPC r18 and libogc 1.8.0. Go update them ! 🙂
added: ML_GetFPS()
added: ML_AnimateSpriteEx2(ML_Sprite *sprite, bool enabled, u8 waitForXRefreshBetweenFrames, u8 from, u8 to, u8 timesLooped)
fixed: bug when you had more than one Wiimote
fixed: bug when using ML_Cursor with animated or tiled sprite
fixed: ML_AnimateSpriteEx wasn’t doing his job properly, skipping one frame.

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Pandora CE Test (Pandora misc)

The Pandora is comming closer and closer to a release. This also requires the device to pass the CE tests. So here are some fresh news, directly from the source.


Hiya folks!

I guess you’ve been waiting for me to post, eh? Looks like it, browsing the boards 😉

We just did some CE (EMV) measurements today. First, we have some pics for you which show some of the testing setup and site.

Now, onto some test results, shall we?

Well, the tests went good so far, we have peaks that shouldn’t be there. BUT the guy who did the test was really nice and helped me to find out what caused those peaks. And it’s a pretty simple thing: The LCD Ribbon cable needs to be shielded. So the BOARDS are fine, we can start mass production 🙂 The only thing we need to do is shielding the ribbon cable, and that’s it. Since the cable is not part of the boards, it doesn’t affect the board production. Craig was basically right when he said our friend metal tape would help here. 😉 (okay, it’s not THAT easy, but there are various shields for ribbon cables out there ;))

Another interesting thing is what he did tell me about FCC.
According to him, we don’t even need FCC. FCC is only for radio devices (like wireless microphones, etc.), but not stuff like computers or gaming devices like ours here. They’re running an FCC certified testing site, so they should know.
I’m gonna find out more about it, but it seems to be true – I did check my mobile phone, some gaming devices, etc. They don’t have any FCC sign on there. And the REAL certified devices have the certificate number beneath the FCC symbol. Everything else isn’t really certified… so check out your devices. If there’s just something like “FCC Approved”, it’s no certification…

Good thing, eh? 🙂

Anyways, I’m getting the exact testing results tomorrow as PDF (I got them as printed copy, but I don’t want to scan all in), so I’ll post more details about that in the next days.

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ContactsDS v0.02 (NDS Application)

ContactsDS by Hero2 is a contacts organizer for the Nintendo DS.


Minor Bug Fixes

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Chameleon TicTacToe v0.3 (Alpha) (PPC Game)

SciLor has updated his fully skinable Tic Tac Toe game for Pocket PC’s.


-Enhancement: Some skinning added (editable GFX-Files)
-Enhancement: Squared field
-Enhancement: Game State complete as text at the bottom
-Fix: Disallow move while CPU is moving

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HG-Proton v0.9 (PPC Game)

HG-Proton is the first game based up the HG-Engine. It’s simple touch game for test your finger speed.


HighScores are saving!
Difficulty setup
New mode: Accept electrons
G-Sensor and Light can be turned OFF/ON
Improved graphics

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Simple Clock v0.3 (PPC Application)

Ather updated his simple clock application.


Only changelog available for the previous version for now…

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Phone Creeper v0.8 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Phone Creeper is a phone espionage suite.

Currently it has the following features:

To receive received call logs, send the following text to phone with this installed on it:
chetstriker getreccalls
To view sent call logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getsentcalls
To view received SMS logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getrecsms
To view sent SMS logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getsentsms
To change log size (for calls and sms, default:10 min:5 max:25)
chetstriker logsize number_between_5_and_25
To test if phone creeper is running (discreetly):
chetstriker turnonringer
To retrieve the external IP Address of your phone, assuming connected:
chetstriker getip
To receive last 10 call logs(even if deleted):
chetstriker getcalllogs
To receive live SMS notifications on SMS and CALL transactions:
chetstriker liveon
To turn off live notifications:
chetstriker liveoff
To lock PDA:
chetstriker lock
To run a program (exec is the program name):
chetstriker run exec
To run a program (exec is the program name, arg is any arguments added):
chetstriker run exec | arg
To setup FTP account to retreive without SMS (make sure you add space | space in between):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass
To setup FTP account (use this if not using default port 21):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass @ port
To setup FTP account (use this if ftp not saving to default base path):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass @ port @ ftp_path

To receive any log by ftp, you can pre-seed any get command with ftp:
chetstriker getcalllogs would become chetstriker ftpgetcalllogs

To add call blocking: (communication either way with specified number will disconnect)
chetstriker addblk 8005551212
To add call redirecting: (if phone dials a specific nuumber it will cancel and dial an alternate number instead)
chetstriker addredir ifthisnumbercalls sendtothisnumber
To remove call blocks:
chetstriker delblks
To remove call redirects:
chetstriker delredir
To get contacts: (from memory)
chetstriker getcontacts
To get appointments:
chetstriker getappts
To get tasks:
chetstriker gettasks
To set emergency SMS number:
chetstriker setemerg 8005551212
To get phone info: (IMEI, username, email, radio version, etc.)
chetstriker getinfo
To get gps location and google maps link:
chetstriker getpos
Deletes Contacts, Appointments, Task:
chetstriker deleteaccts
Displays command list:
chetstriker help
To delete all SMS messages:
chetstriker delallsms
To delete received SMS messages:
chetstriker delrecsms
To delete sent SMS messages:
chetstriker delsentsms
To wipe your storage card:
chetstriker wipeflash
To send a fart:
chetstriker fart
To send a pop-up message:
chetstriker message “insert msg here, without quotes”
To create a silent callback through remote speakerphone:
chetstriker callback
To bounce sms off phone to someone else:
chetstriker bounce sms “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To send your eaves droping call to someone else:
chetstriker bounce call “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To change password:
chetstriker change “newpassword”
(Obviously change “newpassword” to be what ever password you want and don’t type the quotes.)
After you have changed your password, make sure you use the new commands accordingly. For example, if I changed the password to yellow and wanted to get call history. I would from now on type:
yellow getcalls

all results will be sent via SMS back without leaving any trace on the phone being controlled.
Any cell phone can be used to initiate the commands and all commands will respond with a success message for acknowledgement.


* getcalllogs is replaced with getreccalls and getsentcalls (the call logs have now been seperated)
* Hopefully fixed SMS log command getrecsms and getsentsms
* logsize command added to change sms and call logs to hold between 5 and 25 logs, 10 by default.
* Helo command added to test if PhoneCreeper is running. the chetstriker command is NOT used with Helo
* Hopefully callback command has been fixed for people who were previously hearing a ring.
* “Do you want to add this person as a contact” message disappearing bug fixed.

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StartPatch v4.2.2K (Wii Application)

StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as StarFall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.

StartPatch v4.2.2K is for Korean users.


Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks – Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
Block Disc Updates – Blocks updates, which have been embedded in Discs.
Block Online Updates – Prevents online updates being installed.
Force WiFi Connection Test Error – Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
Region Free Channels – Allow installation of any region Channels.
Region Free GC Games No VM Patch – Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) – Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
Move Disc Channel – Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
No Menu BG Music – Removes the System Menu’s background music.
Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP (Need To Install BOTH) – Allows you to enter the Wii’s Recovery Mode easily.
Remove Diag Disc Check – Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
Auto-Press A At Health Screen – Automatically presses “A” for you at the Health Screen.
Replace Health Screen With Black – Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
Force Disc To Use IOS249 – Forces Discs to use IOS249.

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