Fleshchasmer I – The Eve v1.2 (GP2x Game)

Quasist updated his neat 3d Adventure Game FleshChasmer I.


* Increased perfomance by 15%
* Two new interlace post-effects
* Rare monster now drops an Elexir
* Added Exp gaudge
* Slight improved interface gfx

Thanks to Evildragon / for the news.,0,0,0,26,2249

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MarbleMan – The Arena (NDS Game)

MarbleMan: The Arena is built grounds-up for the DSMotion, it takes the popular top-down ball game approach and gives it an original new twist. Test your reflexes with this simple yet addictive red zone following and concrete block breaking game. Stores 10 highscores and can be played with the Stylus aswell.,4975.0.html

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Kakuro Nichiyou PSP v1.1 (PSP Game)

MK2k released an updated version of Kakuro Nichiyou into the Neoflash Coding Competition 2008, previously released at PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99

Written in C++ using the JGE++ Engine by Dr. Watson, Kakuro Nichiyou presents 234 hand-picked/created Kakuro Puzzles for you to play and to let the built-in solver solve for you.


– Kakuro Nichiyou features 234 hand-picked/created Puzzles from Puzzlemakers all over the world. Permission granted by Otto Janko, a great Puzzle collector, visit his website:
– Play Kakuros by setting numbers in the free fields, you can even make “notes” in each field (small numbers from 1..9)
– In Kakuro Nichiyou you can save your current progress to one of 20 different save slots.
– Kakuro Nichiyou features a solver which is work in progress. In the current state it is able to solve 203 out of the 234 Puzzles completely. It cannot find a solution for the other puzzles but gives you the found notes of the remaining fields (or maybe just a good laugh =D).,4976.0.html

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Double-Click Draw (A2600 Application)

Click and drag to draw. Double-click to erase a dot. Stays red when it is waiting on double-click. Please feel free to extend and repost the full bas program and binary with your change. It’s a collaborative paint program!

Warning: Flashing colors.

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PuzzleManiak v0.4 WIP (iPhone Game)

PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection.

Note for the upcomming release:

Version 0.4 is close to be released…
“Daily challenge” play mode (everyday, download a new puzzle and compare your score to other players) will be integrated.

And also … Sudoku!

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NetChess r99 (iPhone Game)

NetChess is a networked, multiplayer Chess game.


– Simplified “Find Opponent” (Double click to challenge an opponent)
– Rotate Board Image (Again)
– Profanity Filter Updates
– Added Help
– Sound code fix (Progress, but not quite there Zach)

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Genesis4iPhone WIP (Genesis emu for iPhone)

ZodTTD with the help of his beta testers, released few videos of Genesis4iPhone in action. Check it out!

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GPS2Clipboard v1.5 (PPC Application)

GPS2Clipboard gets the GPS position data and copy them to the clipboard from where they can be pasted to any application with a paste command (for example an SMS or e-mail editor).

As different programs may use different GPS data formats GPS2Clipboard can format them as sexagesimal, fractional, decimal and as a Google Maps link ready to be pasted in an Internet Browser or a Google Kml placemark ready to be used by Google Earth.

Moreover, GPS2Clipboard show visually the quality of the GPS signal to help in obtaining a good position data.

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Slide2Play v0.32 (PPC Application)

S2P is a stylus-free MP3/WMA player application. It simply lets you browse your music files & play.


– fixed the issue that S2P did not start due to some problematic ROM/OEM

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Asteroid Barrier (PSP Lua Game)

Pong “in space”.,4974.0.html

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