PDRoms – Anyone interested in advertising here? (misc)

I just pick up the chance of the relauch to ask if anyone is interested in advertising here – Unfortunatly the server isn’t free and am I am paying everything out of my own pocket.

The one and only banner location I have is located in the “empty” place next to the logo, on the top of the page. There are NO other options. The banner will be shown on all pages in all categories. I prefer a “fixed rate” so keep your affilation programs away from me 🙂

Contact me for details at kojote1980 @ yahoo . com

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GnuboyGX (10-10-2007) (GBC emu for GC)

GnuboyGX is a port for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii (running in GC mode) of the open-source Gnuboy emulator, originally coded by Laguna and Gilgamesh.

This project is now maintained under SVN: you can submit bugs and browse the sourcecode from here:


. improved sound rendering.

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Jack Turtle WIP (NDS Game)

kiswa came up with some news of his game “Jack Turtle” which is currently in development.

What, nobody likes my updated images? No interest in the fact that I have a functional platform game engine?!

Crazy – crazy I tell you! 😉

Anyway, just wanted to update those of you who might still be keeping track:

I have worked out most of the important interface issues. The main menu is selectable by the D-Pad (up/down to select and A to activate) or Stylus (tap to select, tap selected to activate). Currently, only “New Game” and “Credits” do anything, but the rest is not far off!

If you press Start (or close the DS) in-game you will get a pause screen with menu choices for “Continue” , “Save & Quit” (doesn’t save yet), and “Options” (doesn’t do anything yet). The pause menu works the same as the main menu.

I have implemented collisions with enemies (and HP tracking) and they bounce off each other as well. Shooting is not fully implemented yet, but should be done by the end of the day.

Adding in new enemies is fairly simple to do, it’s just creating the AI, scrolling, and collision methods for them that is a little complicated.

I’ll try to update the game images tonight as the in-game bottom screen has a new font, and the health # is a bar of sprites now (so, 6 sprites side-by-side instead of the “6”).

I’m hoping that I can release a ‘tech demo’ of the game this weekend so I can get your first impressions and start on the bug finding/fixing.

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CPS2PSP v2.2.3 (CP2 emu for PSP)

NJ has updated his CPS2 emulator for PSP. There are two versions available – One for PSP’s with Firmware 1.5 and a version of Slim PSP’s.

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CPS1PSP v2.2.3 (CPS1 emu for PSP)

NJ has updated his CPS1 emulator for PSP. There are two versions available – One for PSP’s with Firmware 1.5 and a version of Slim PSP’s.

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The iPhone and iTouch TIF exploit is now officially released! (iPhone misc)

Another news directly from Toc2rta:

So its offical we have released the tiff exploit code. You can navigate in safari to on your Itouch or Iphone 1.1.1. It will crash your Safari but then you will be able to browse the file system with full read/write access. This is only for people who understand what they are doing. You will need IPHUC and some knowledge of how to put/get files.


Check back later for a full breakdown of how the tiff works and what the future holds for Toc2rta and the Itouch & Iphone.

Exploit by Niacin and Dre.

A special thanks to Pumpkin,dinopio,davidc,natetrue,Smileydude,neimod ,Nervegas,erica,roxfan,phire and the rest of the dev team for all their work that helped make this happen. You can visit the dev team’s site here

By with 0 comments v1.3.5 (iPhone Application) is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.

New in version 1.3.5

New options in Preferences panel: “Smart” text file conversion–if it’s ON, it’s the same behavior as always; if it’s OFF, you might have better luck with lists, or with books that don’t use double-newlines to denote paragraphs. Also, you can turn off HTML table rendering; try this if tables make your book’s layout too wide for the iPhone screen.

More subtle progress indicator on launch, and improved cover splash if you have cover art for your books.

Miscellaneous optimizations and bug fixes.

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PDRoms is back! (misc)

After months of silence and recoding, here it is! PDRoms is back – your favorite legal rom archive. Play games or use tools on real hardware or just in an emulator of choice!

The page is not really in the shape we want to have it, but before our coder celeth is getting busy again… here it is!

What is done so far:
* Main News
* News Archive (News before 2002 are lost, news between 2002 and 2006 need a recategorization, because while converting the old database the formatting has been lost! – This is a task which will take some weeks)
* File Archive for many many systems! Around 700 files are up, more to come – This task will also take some time to get back to the old > 2200 Files.
* Three MAIN RSS Feeds – “News” – “Latest Files” – “Last Updated Files”
* Each category has the option of own WWW news along with two feeds, systemspecific news and systemspecific “new files”. If you are not interested in the whole bunch of homebrew, just make sure you visit your favorite system page
* Downloads are FREE and don’t need registration

What needs work?
* Registration system – Sorry it’s not public yet, but if it goes public you will have some “extra features”
* Adding extra features
* Possible display problems in Opera – we are on it!

Thanks to celeth for the new framework and kedo for helping to pull few files up! Kudos to them!

Here is also a special message for my beautiful wife Rabia – Thanks for your patience, I know the work on PDRoms drained our free time 😡 – Without your love it would also not be possible to gather all the energy to run such a project. Thanks for your support!

-Kojote / 12th October 2007

PS: Now it’s back up to you to bring PDRoms back to glory – spread the word!
PSS: If you have a digg account –

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PiMPStreamer v1.0.2 (Beta) (PSP misc)

PiMPStreamer is a realtime video/audio streamer from your PC to your PSP (Playstation Portable). Any format/size avi/mpeg/wmv/etc can be streamed without any delay.

Now with an extra addition: any FLV capable browser/system can also use PiMPStreamer (including Wii or PS3).

No need for muxing, converting etc… Just get some WIFI connection and you can watch your flicks everywere! (Streams even over internet).

Remember for the PSP you install the PSP binaries in order to stream, for the other systems you use the internal webbrowser of the system to connect to pimpstreamer.

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PSP-FTPD v0.4.0 (PSP Application)

Here is a new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.


– Now compatible with fw3x-0E

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