Oldplay v1.30 (GP2x Application)

OldPlay is a player for old computer formats. Uses libsidplay1, libmodplug and UADE and so supports over 150 formats, including sids and mods.,0,0,0,6,1154

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Spirits DS (06-08-2007) (NDS Games)

Spirits DS is a remake of an old MSX game. This version is actually playable now! You can walk arround all map, see all enemies and open all doors of first castle (still doing doors or 2nd castle). Sprites for enhaced mode are just a test ones, but background of first map are the right one.


Just little updates, added Enemies AI and colisions with all enemies

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FastReadTraining (NDS Game)

Description from the author:

This is a simple training game of those, touch the number 1-25 one by one in-order as fast as possible, then you can see how much you fast from the timer. In this version, there are two modes.

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PZong (NDS Game)

You control the paddle with the stylus and bounce the ball with your paddle a certain number of times to win the level. But the ball gets faster and faster each level! And if you are about to miss try making some noise into the microphone (yes it actually does something).

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Okiwi v0.2 (Alpha) (NDS Application)

Okiwi is a free browser for the NDS.

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UAE4ALL GP2x v0.7.2 (Amiga emu for GP2x)

UAE4ALL is an Amiga ECS emulator for GP2x. This released adds the Cyclone engine for faster speed.,0,0,0,46,2280

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GMath3D v1.3.4 (GP2x misc)

Jason Erskine released a new version of his graphics library for GP2x. 2D, 3D, Text, Joystick, Sound, Time routines. Example are included.,0,0,0,19,2281

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LightMP3 v1.4 (PSP Application)

Sakya has released a new version of his slim lined MP3 player for the Sony PSP.


– Added: Audioscrobbler log (disabled by default look a the settings file).
The app writes a .scrobbler.log file you can upload to your account through this page:
– Added: Settings (CPU/BUS clock, EQ) are saved in the file settings
– Added: you can switch from old or new volume boost method.
Default is new method.
Check the settings file(it’s commented).
– Added: display of instant bitrate
– Added: Playing a single file will actually play the directory (starting from the selected file)
– Added: the app is a little lighter, you can lower cpu 2/3 mhz more (if not using EQ or volume boost).
Many mp3 of mine are now playing good with the cpu at 65/67mhz (with 1.3.0 was 70mhz)
– Fixed: File without ID3 now display filename in playlist
– Fixed: Trying to open a file too big will show an error (and not make the app crash)
– Fixed: The app now correctly exits pressing HOME.
– Fixed: some bugs in the playlist editor (removing the last song, clearing the playlist)

Thanks to for the news.

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Tinygames DS (NDS Games)

Programix has realeased his first work on NDS. It’s a collection of 4 minigames.

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PSX4GP2x (04-08-2007) (PSX emu for GP2x)

A new release of PSX4GP2x is ready! This Playstation 1 emulator for the GP2x comes with the following changes in this version.


– Major performance increase!
– Unai worked out some major bugs in the frameskip code. Very much improved.
– [GP2X] Fixed a bug that caused volume to be set when it shouldn’t be. Volume can now be adjusted via GMenu2X.
– [GP2X] Fixed a bug that caused psx4all not to run via Open2X
– Made the default cycle setting 2.5. Change the cycle to a higher value for more performance in some games.
– Fixed interrupt and counters code.

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