The Stellarea (XBOX 360 Demo)

The Stellarea by mfx is a XBOX 360 Demo released at Assembly 2007.

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Evoid Droid (XBOX 360 Demo)

One of the first XBOX 360 demoscene work! Done by excess and Portal Process.

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PBPCat (PSP misc)

PBPCat adds extra files into an EBOOT.PBP, and basically works as an alternative to bin2o in the way that it lets you store files within the eboot and allows you to read them back from within the program.

There is a small sample included, and the packer was compiled with mingw and only comes with a windows makefile. You should use the header files included with the sample to extract files.

This is a really simple program using the PBP file description found in YAPSPDoc.

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Dementia v0.1b (PSP Game)

Dementia is a puzzle game, although quite an abstract one at that. The aim of the game is to make all the squares on the grid turn yellow through clicking the squares in the grid, although this is much more easily said tha done, as if you click a square not only will it change colours, but so will everything around it. If its red it turns yellow and vice versa.


– This version sports an extra 30 levels on top of the 50 from the last version. there are now 80 levels in the game.
– This version has been modified to externalize the levels from the game, meaning that level packs are supported now. I no longer have to make a full releases to add levels.
– The pesky inverse menu has been fixed, sorta. I had a lot of complaints about it, so I’ve put in the option to have it normal if you wish.
– I’ve edited the saving system so that we should end up with fewer lost game saves. If you do happen to lose your game, all you need to do is edit LEVEL.txt to say where you were up to, although its pretty sad to edit this unnessecerily.
– The 2nd fade in glitch at the start has been fixed up so to speed up the introduction and avoid annoyance.
– A new fade effect was implemented alongside the orginal for an extra special effect, lol.
– We’ve edited some of the credit screen and text on how to play the game to remove typos and wrong information. Sorry about that.
– We’ve now fixed the level numbering, in the case that is messed up having passed level 31. The level jumps have also been fixed.
– Fixed the glitch where the music stopped playing during or after the credits, I don’t know what caused it, but whatever it was seems to have gone now.
– All of the credits and instruction screens have been remade, to be a lot less flashy, yet a lot more readable. Sorry for the quality loss, but we believe this is for the best.
– The quality loss of the music during the fades was looked into, although it can’t be fixed easily. For now, it looks like we’re just going to have to put up with it.

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iR Shell v3.61 (PSP Application)

This is a maintenance release which mainly solves the following issues:


Fixed screen corruption while changing CPU speed in PS1 games.
Retained the overclock speed after exiting game/app while nethostfs is active.
Fixed adhoc PC nethostfs connection problem. You no longer need to mess with the wlan switch.
The MP3 will now resume at the exact position when switching firmware versions (1.5 iR Shell to 3.x iR Shell, or vice versa).
Fixed the nethostfs crashing when fails to connect to the server. Nethostfs should no longer crash the PSP.
Fixed autoboot plugin problem with some configurations. The updated version should fix the issue.

By with 0 comments RIP (misc), a scene site with various news about exotic hardware and also homebrew application and game news, seem to have shut down. Not sure what happened, but sad to see another site going which was into homebrew 🙁


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ScummVM DS v0.10.0a (NDS misc)

ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to play many point and click adventure games from the 80s and 90s on modern computers. I didn’t write ScummVM, that honour goes to the ScummVM team. ScummVM runs games from Lucasarts that were created using the SCUMM system (hence the name) but it has also been expanded to run games from many other developers too. ScummVM is written in portable C++ and has been ported to many differnet platforms, and I have made a port of it to the DS. This means that you can play all these classic games on the DS with full sound.


New engines supported: AGI, CINE, and SAGA.
Option to show the mouse cursor
Word completion on keyboard for AGI games
Plenty of optimisations
Numerous bug fixes

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TARSEditor (NDS Lua Application)

Not exactly sure what it is, but looks like a file browser for NDS.

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DreamZZT v3.1.500 (NDS misc)

DreamZZT is an open-source ZZT engine for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, and the SEGA Dreamcast. ZZT was an ANSI-based game creation system created by Epic Megagames’ Tim Sweeny in 1990. The original release included 6 worlds, including the shareware world The Town of ZZT. It also included a built-in game editor, allowing for the creation of new games.


New Features
DreamZZT Online support for Nintendo DS
Support for saving SuperZZT games
Directory listing in NDS file browser (contributed by ndsdev -at –
Lua interpreter for Nintendo DS builds
Reduced memory usage so larger games can fit in Nintendo DS RAM
Multi-line text entry widget for bug reports
ZZT-OOP script editor
Meter display for SuperZZT health
Support SuperZZT “hint” key
Hold-to-scroll in text windows

Bug fixes
Player can no longer travel between boards if there is an obstacle on the other side
Stop music playback when ending a game and changing boards
Fix dark grey RGB value in NDS palette
Display the pattern tiles in the editor
Fix board corruption issue when using a teleporter
Set color during #change and assign torches a default yellow color

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DScent v4.1 (NDS Game Port)

kayvenm has updated his port of DScent, a Descent port, for NDS.


This is just a quick bug fix that should hopefully prevent the media corruption people have been reporting. It should also fix the bug reported by Brian (thanks for the crash dump).

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