Lead 8K (30-06-2007) (A2600 Game)

seemo has released an updated version of Lead. Lead is a vertical shooter. Move left / right, hold fire to shoot missiles. The game ends when one enemy reaches the bottom of the screen.


This version introduces ‘practice’ mode: if you set the Right Difficulty switch to ‘A’, when you start a new game, you can choose what level to practice by pressing up/down, and confirm it with fire. You start this mode with a smart bomb, and the game ends at the end of the stage. This way you can ‘learn’ how to play each stage, and be prepared to run through all the stages in normal game mode. So, don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy all the 20 levels of Lead !

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PSPcc v1.0 (PSP Lua Application)

PSPcc (PSP chat client) is a multi-network (MSN,AIM,ICQ,Yahoo! and Gtalk) chat client written in LUA. Like AFKIM, users are able to add multiple accounts on different networks and be simultaneously logged into all of them. The user-interface was designed and coded so the end-user could change absolutely anything they wish to via easy-to-use skin files. Included in the package are three original skins and also an AFKIM immitation skin to ease the transition. Another key feature is the MP3 playback capabilities. Users may switch between tracks while chatting via the keypad OR the PSP remote if applicable. Additionally, users can choose to turn on new message and sign-in alerts, and change them. Finally, chat-logging is enabled by default, but can be disabled easily.

Key Features:
– Simultaneous use of multiple accounts on different networks
– Ridiculously skinnable interface
– Mp3 playback, remote support
– Audio alerts for new message, sign-ins, etc.
– Chat-logging (can be disabled, like most features)
– Three original skins included + AFKIM skin
– Uses the faster “danzeff” typing system (custom)

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Constellations v0.6 (NDS Application)

Constellations is an astrology program for the Nintendo DS.

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Lead 8K (29-06-2007) (A2600 Game)

seemo has released an updated version of Lead. Lead is a vertical shooter. Move left / right, hold fire to shoot missiles. The game ends when one enemy reaches the bottom of the screen.


# ‘envelope’ audio option
# ‘score’ option can now be set to ‘dawn’
# included a ‘scramble’ level

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TI83 Emulator v0.01 (TI-83 emu for GBA)

Dwedit has started to code a Texas Instruments TI-83 emulator. It’s in very very early stages.


New version…
Has a Link Feature.
Append the TI83 ROM, then append a single .83g file.
Press L+R in fullscreen mode to send the attached 83g file. (uses silent linking, calc must be on and at homescreen)

Thanks to davr for the news.

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NewDictS v0.7m (NDS Application)

NewsDictS is a Stardict Dictionary program running on DS (including source).


EDIT 07/06/29 UPDATE Newdicts 0.7m
Sesa did it again. Made it even better.
Several improvements:

New Button assignement:
START – select dictionary
A – contextual keyboard change (f.i. to upper case)
Y – switch different keyboards
X – wordindex – one line up
B – wordindex – one line down
Left – scroll to previous explanation page
Right – scroll to next explanation page
Up/Down – scroll explanation next line
Left shoulder button – pronounce word (if pronounciation icon is visable)

You can now conviniently switch between different dictionaries without the need to write the searchword again.

Text-Buffer increased to 64KB.

Several Bugs fixed.

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FixMe (NDS Game)

FixMe is a tiny puzzle sliding game with source-code by mollusk.

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Project JDS v1.26 (NDS Application)

Project JDS is an application for the Nintendo DS to learn Japanese.

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TI83 Emulator v0.00 (TI-83 emu for GBA)

Dwedit has started to code a Texas Instruments TI-83 emulator. It’s in very very early stages.

Author notes:

How to use:
* First append a TI83 rom image to the end of the .gba file, using something like copy /b ti83emu.gba + ti83.rom ti83emu_rom.gba
SELECT: Toggle keyboard overlay
Keys (keyboard visible)
* Arrows: Move cursor
* (right now cursor is not displayed over arrow keys, just move it away a few times)
* A: Press that key
* B: Quick Keys
* Start: ENTER
* L: Alpha
* R: 2nd
Quick Keys: (Hold down B while keyboard visible)
* Arrow Keys: Arrow Keys
* (other keys same as keyboard visible)
Fullscreen Keys:
* Arrows: Arrows
* A: 2nd
* B: Alpha

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ScummVM DS v0.10.0 (Beta 1) (NDS misc)

ScummVM DS v0.10.0 Beta 1 is now out for testing.

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!

Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft’s Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution’s Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep’s Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision’s Gobliiins; Westwood Studios’ The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.

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