SlotZ Track Editor v1.0 (iPhone Application)

SlotZ Track Editor is an add on utility for fans of the hit game SlotZ Racer which gives you the intuitive track editing facilities you get in SlotZ Racer, along with an online Track Browser so you can scan through the hundreds of tracks that SlotZ Racer players have created and uploaded to the game’s servers.

Create huge and detailed tracks in all sorts of styles and add scenery, then test them with automated computer cars with all the same camera modes as in SlotZ Racer so that you can see how well the track will race.

When you’ve found a track you like or created a new one, email it to a friend, send it over Wi-F to another user with SlotZ Track Editor or SlotZ Racer or launch it automatically in SlotZ Racer to race on it.

If you don’t already have SlotZ Racer, the SlotZ Track Editor gives you a chance to play around with the incredible track editing facilities that are built into the game and view the tracks that SlotZ Racer players are creating.

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Armory v1.0 (iPhone misc)

Take on the world with your very own multi-touch armory. Including pistol, sub-machine-gun, RPG, assault rifle, shotgun and sniper rifle and with multiple explosion sounds.

With multi-touch you can fire multiple guns and set off multiple explosions at once.

With over 40 different high quality sound effects, the Armory is a must have if you have an itchy trigger finger.

Recommended for devices with an external speaker, but will work with headphones too.

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Opium v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Analgesic / opioids drug equivalence calculator.

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Free Counter v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Free Counter is an authentic Apple-like application that is used to track various dates, events and displays the time remaining until the timer comes to an end and further which implies limitless uses of this compact application.

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iShuriken v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Challenge your skills in a shadowy dojo, shooting at a variety of targets. Earn new shuriken upon proving your ability and continue to hone you skills until you have completed each level and won the title of Shuriken Master.

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Perfect Pets v1.0 (iPhone misc)

Perfect Pets is an application with great graphics and pure fun. There are three animal sounds included in this app, which include a dog, cat, and a frog. Perfect Pets is visually pleasing and a blast to scare, or startle someone with. Now you have a pet that will bark, meow, or ribbit on command. What else could you ask for. Have fun with this and contact me if you have any questions. Keep in mind this app will only work through the headphones of the 1G iPod touch.

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HarrisBenedict v1.00 (iPhone Application)

Use HarrisBenedict to calculate Basal Entergy Expenditure, Ideal Body Weight, BMI,and related clinical references.

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BootMii and the new Boot1 (Wii misc)

Do you remember the help request for running the BootMii Checker ( //news/15486/ )?

If you are interested in the Wi internals, linked below is the follow up and sort of result, which is very interesting!

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Genesis4iPhone v3.0.0 (Genesis emu for iPhone)

Genesis4iPhone, a Sega Genesis (MegaDrive) and Sega CD emulator for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch has been released to the public.

Release notes:

I have recently released genesis4iphone v3.0.0 publicly. genesis4iphone is a Sega Genesis and Sega CD emulator for the iPhone & iPod Touch. It’s source code is based on Notaz awesome work on PicoDrive. You can find this release in the Games section of Cydia without the need to add any sources. For information on how to install ROMs on your device please refer to this great tutorial on the Zodipedia here.Keep in mind I will not respond to any requests for ROMs.

If you like this release please consider a donation. Thanks!

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Teeter Torture (Wii Game)

Teeter Torture is a simple shooting game (similar to “Space Invaders”, “Galaga” or “Galaxian”), but with a unique twist. Your cannon is sitting atop a teeter totter. If it leans too far in either direction, a barrel of TNT explodes! “Weight monsters” appear at the top of the screen, and randomly fall towards the teeter totter. If they attach to it, they’ll weigh it down, making it more difficult to keep it balanced. (If they hit the cannon, it explodes and you lose a life.)

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