GNUBoy v1.0.4 (GBC emu for DC)

fackue updated the Dreamcast’s port of GNUBoy and added .ZIP support.

Other release notes:

I didn’t really do much besides add ZIP support, quzar’s been basically helping me along the way and removed a bunch of code that was unnecessary. I have no idea what’s wrong with the menu after loading a few roms – it ends up say “/cd/gb” and then you gotta restart. I also disabled bilinear filtering. I’m not sure what else I could possibly do on my own so I’m gonna go ahead and release it as-is.

Oh yeah, I also merged the pre-alpha release of gnuboy 1.0.4. They say it fixes a couple games.

Oh, I also added a VMU icon to the game saves.

One final thing. The “zip” support in the original release was actually gz support and should work in the original release as well as this one.

Sorry I couldn’t do anything that I really wanted, like the options menu.

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Kojotes accident II (misc)

Hello everyone, for those who care, I am still alive 😉

The past days have been a pure pain pleasure, but with the help of painkillers I am temporary almost back to normal, which also allows me to post a little bit now.

I try to keep up with the news and grab all releases from the past few days. I hope that Pocket PC, Atari 2600, Coleco Vision , Wii and GP2x releases are up to date now. Special thanks to kedo and poqako for posting the GP2x releases (you guys could help more, not only when I am sick ;). Hipp Hipp Hooray for kedo and poqako! Thanks again!

There were also a bunch of people wishing me all the best, thanks for that too – I really didn’t count with something like that.

The webboard ( //phpbb/index.php ) was updated to phpBB v3.0.1 yesterday, which was a true pain – but everything should work 100% again.

News updates for iPhone, Nintendo DS, etc… will follow a little bit later. It takes some time to gather the information from five days of absence 😉

As of PDRC #3.99 – We are still waiting for one judge to sent in his results, I hope results will be finally out by Sunday night or Monday morning. Of course every contestant will get a sperate e-mail in time then.

Now sit back and enjoy reading the backlog 😉


PS: Starting on 1st May 2008 we might have a new sponsor from Switzerland (Hi Mauro… ;). This will help us to hopefully fully or partitially cover the server costs.

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BlackFlip v0.3 (PPC Game)

BlackFlip is a Polarium clone, an easy to play (but hard to finish) puzzle game perfectly suited for stylus play.

Further release notes:

The rules of the game are really very simple : there are black and white tiles which need to be flipped so that each row is either all white or all black… Different lines can even have different colors. Yes, as simple as that !
But the twist is that you can only do a single path, which can’t overlap with itself. To draw that path, simple click on the puzzle, and move around. You can backtrack at anytime. To validate the path, simply click on the destination point and it’ll flip all the tiles !

The grey border around is a neutral zone : no flipping on it, and it’s not involved in the color check. So you can move on that one as if you were moving in and out of the puzzle. Doesn’t sound like much, but using the grey tiles effectively is the key to solving the hardest puzzles.

For more details on how the game works, check out the video !

The games main feature is it’s incredibly hi number of puzzles : more than 6000 !!! These range from very easy (0 stars, solvable in a few seconds) to very hard (5 stars, only solvable in a few minutes and by advanced players)…

This early release is pretty crappy, misses a few graphics, and doesn’t actually have more features than that. But all the puzzles are available/solvable, and your progress is saved.

If you like puzzle games, this is a must-have ! If you don’t like puzzle games… Well… Just give it a try, it’s a matter of seconds before you learn how it works and see the potential of the beast. Just don’t play directly on the harder puzzles…

TODO-list for the next versions :
– Better general interface
– Sorted menu (by author, difficulty, etc…)
– Winning/losing animations
– In-game level creator
– Level generator with difficulty settings (not as fun as real levels, and… well, just finish the 6000 levels first…)
– Etc…

ALL the credit for the game idea goes to Mitchell Corp. for creating the original Polarium game (for Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance). If you like this game, considering buying one of those versions, the author definitely deserves the money !
Blackflip PocketPC is a port from the flash version by [F] All the credit for the graphics and the levels go to them and all the users who contributed to making/sharing all these puzzles. The game will be updated regularly to have up-to-date versions with the latest levels !

Have fun !

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PocketUBC v1.25a (PPC Application)

English description not available…

Release thread:

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SmileySMS v1.54 (PPC Application)

This program is a plugin for default MailBox program, and whenever you receive an sms this program shows special notification message. And also you can view it the same way in your inbox. This program does not change your SMSes.

Program Features :
– Shows and displays ANIMATED smilies found in SMS texts in inbox and notifications.
– Use smileys in compose forms.
– Assign .mp3,.ogg,.wav and other popular music file formats as your SMS ring tones.
– Remove phone number from the title of SMS notification,when the contact is known.
– Replace number in body of delivery report with the name of contact.
– Shows pictures of contacts in SMS notification.
– Easier to use menus for working with SMS notifications.
– WM5.0 like notifications for WM2003 users.
– Support for vibrate and vibrate time
– Bringing a menu for numbers found in your sms to “Send SMS”,”Save to Contacts”,or “call”
– All features(including program) are configurable from control panel

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TimeSyncTZ v0.01 (PPC Application)

TimeSyncTZ is a Time Zone aware NTP client that also copes with Daylight Saving Time (DST).

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cPerdidas v0.5 (PPC Application)

This program will make a missed call appear on your friends phone without actually calling them. Seems like a good idea if you just want someone to call you back without disturbing them with the ring.


[+] Language support without file. Supported langs: French, german, spanish and english
[+] New Interface with Images
[+] The programs runs fastest (1500ms) ~ 1.5 secs more fast
[+] Favourite Contacts
[+] Now the cPerdidasF.exe and Tapilib and the config file not have to exists in “/”. May be anywhere
[F] Some minor bugs
[+] Added a signal Strenght control
[+] Added Installer

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Splash Screen Randomizer v0.7.5 (PPC Application)

Splash Screen Randomizer is a simple tool that launches in the background at startup and swaps out the Welcome Splash screen with a random splash screen from a folder that can be defined by you.

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Athers WM7 UI (Alpha 4) (PPC Application)

Athers WM7 UI is a clone of the interface of Windows Mobile 7.

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iFonz v0.9.8 (PPC Application)

iFonz is a clone of iPhone interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations
for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.


– Correct an error with D-Pad that block the usage of screen
– If you click on Alarm icon or on Time on top bar now go on Clock & Notifications settings of Windows Mobile
– If you click on Bluetooth,WiFi,Connection icons on top bar now go on Conn Manager of Windows Mobile (Asked by F.L.)
– If you click on Operator Name or Line Strenght go to Phone Settings of Windows Mobile
– In Phone Status menu all info are linked on the shortcuts of System Settings
– Updated Shorcuts list file
– Added more controls to check Bluetooth status
– Increased the speed on return on iFonz and start of programs
– Add new animation Icons Out when start a program
– Changed open animation in Settings form
– Correct a problem with Dot pages on VGA screen
– Increase the number of icons for page to 30
– Correct an error that not save settings when use gesture opening
– Added new menus on icon and background
– Added link to add an icon on current page if your page isn’t to max numebr of icons per page
– Added link to open Settings from menu
– Added Copy, Swap, Paste, Reset and Delete functions for icons
– Now you can set any file to each icon and not only “exe” or “lnk”
– Added in “gfx” folder a blank icon
– Loading of correct image icons for “exe” and “lnk” files is too slow and for now i can’t add it!

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