Looking for NDS coder (NDS misc)

We’ve found this quote below on the PAlib page. Unfortunatly the guy doesn’t say if it’s paid or unpaid work, but you might still want to help out.


I am looking for a programmer for a 2D ds game. Programmer must fit the following:

-Be able to program engine and be able to implement animatons quickly.
-Be able to put in music and sprites that I provide.
-Be able to work with particle effects.

Thank you. I REALLY NEED a programmer!

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Opentyrian2x v0.3 (GP2x Game)

OpenTyrian is a port of the classic DOS game Tyrian to C using SDL, so it can run cross-platform without DOSBox. (Descriptin taken from )


* Non-fullscreen mode is now centered. See Title -> Opentyrian menu.
* ARM assembler sound mixer. Nice speed up, Pentium detail level is fully playable! Code is thanks to sweetlilmre and his efforts porting Tyrian to the Gizmondo.
* Improved controls within menus. No longer uncontrollably fast!
* Improved controls for accessing PAUSE and IN-GAME SETUP.
* GP2X specific readme-gp2x.txt providing instructions and setup.
* Redefinable fire keys. See Options -> Joystick menu.

This release is a full package! No additional files are required.,0,0,0,30,2433

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Sonic 4 (PSP Game)

Phoebius released a Sonic fangame called “Sonic 4”. The graphics seem to be taken fromt he GBA version of Sonic.

This homebrew has been tested with 3.40 OE.

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Spirits DS (Beta 7) (NDS Game)

NightFox released an update to “Spirits DS”, an old game inspirited by Topo Soft.

Release notes:

Hi, finaly and afer work a lot to get a nice function to load bg’s from FAT, i just make a version of Spirits compatible with slot1 linkers. Now it works with any linker compatible with DLDI. I used also Tom’s compilation of PA_LIB to use Noda’s ASLib for sound, soo now soundtrack is in mp3 quality. (WIP: Still working on voices). Savegame now is writen to a file on spirits folder, soo i don’t use anymore SRAM of DS. To play, just put “spirits” folder on the root of your linker and patch the right rom with DLDI. That’s all.

Thanks to sludge99 for his help making my LoadFatBg() function. I will send a hug also to ANT512 and sumiguchi for his help and comments when i was creating this function, without this, i’ll cant make Spirits works on slots1 devices.

Hope you enjoy it

Best regards


Download Beta 7:

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XMas 2K7 (Genesis Intro)

TmEE co.(TM) has released a small “XMAS Demo” for the Genesis/Megadrive.

Thanks to retroK / for the news.

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Interview with Bumuckl (PSP misc)

A member of conducted an interview with Bumuckl, creator of Berumuda CS 9 (see previous post). The whole interview is in german and can be found by following the link below.

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Bermuda CS 9 (PSP Application)

Bumuckl released a new version of his Bermuda Creative Suite for PSP. It’s a painting application.


-more comfortable Filebrowser with preview
-give your picture a name of your choice
-more interactive settings(the amount of brushes and fonts is set automatically)
-completely new stamps
-new graffiti-tool
-new keyboard graphics
-Keyboard: Delete works now
-decreased circle-lag
-set strength of the circle frame
-set smoothness of the circle
-draw framed and filled circle
-much better gradient-tool
-added transparent workspace
-set the opacity of the picture on your own
-fixed some bugs
-standard cpu-clock is now 333 Mhz
-set the savepath manually
-much better brush-tool
-draw rectangle with gradient
-some new effectdraws

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Mon Avatar (WIP) (PSP Lua Application)

Mon Avatar is coded in LUA and is an Avatar Creation system for the PSP. The Avatar you create could be used in PSP Games, that are maybe both online and offline. You could use them on your computer for your MSN or AIM (if AIM has DP’s). Also, there will be games so that you can earn points and compare them with a friends and share each other’s record table.

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Orbid (PSP Game)

Orbid is a unique game in which you are a small Orb struggling to survive. You must eat the smaller (orange) Orbs in order to gain points and survive in this dangerous world. All the while, you’ll be avoiding larger Orbs or else you’ll become their dinner!

Release notes:

~ Controls ~
~ Menu

X to accept
TRIANGLE to go back
LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN to navigate

~ Game

START to pause game
(If paused; press start to unpause, or press TRIANGLE to finish game)
ANALOG – Move player around

~ Notes ~
This game WILL work in both 1.5 & 3.XX kernel.
NOTE: For 3.xx kernel, it is recommended that you use eloader to load Orbid. If you don’t use eloader to load Orbid, the music will not function properly under 3.XX kernel.

~ Credits ~
Thanks to Benhur for the font loading.
Thanks to Insert_Witty_Name and Raphael for the at3 loading part in triEngine.

Orbid coded by Slasher of Team Duck.
All sfx and gfx done by Madsoul.

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Academic Aid v3.0 (PSP misc)

This is a Special designed homebrew aimed at students who are in high school and also to those in colleges. It is suitable for Algebra I, Algebra II ,Calculus & Trignometry students. Also contains some physics I, Physics AP level stuff.

Unlike most homebrew, this mainly pays attention to GUI intuitiveness and ease of use; Addictively Silky Smooth Scrolling is an added bonus.

The main mission of this application is to allow students to get “aid” in most of their work with the need of a calculator
or note taking sheets.

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