NitePR (Revision F) (PSP Application)

NitePR is a game cheating progra for the PSP. This is NOT CWCheat so don’t expect all CWCheat codes to work with NitePR.

More details at the official release thread.

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Battle Arena (11-07-2007) (PSP Game)

Author release notes:

This is my test build of my game, its basic, and is not meant to be any more than a test to get ideas/feedback for now. Its very short, and is a work in progress, don’t expect anything amazing just yet.

The aim of my game is to be as open, and easy to edit as possible. All graphics, and maps can be edited easily enough.

I’m posting this mainly because I am looking for some testers, and feedback for certain things, but also because my image editing skills are pritty awful (as you will see), and I am trying to find someone who would be willing to make the .png files for the game.

The contents should include:
– readme.txt, which is rather long, but can be skipped unless you want to read the instructions on the debug menu, and see the future updates etc.

– poll.txt, which is sort of a feedback form, just choose the options that you want, and e-mail it to me.

– mapkey.txt, a small key to what symbols should be used in the .map files.

– maplayout.txt, a set of instructions on how the .map files should be made.

–, a blank template of a map file in an easy layout.

– ms0 folder, containing the main loader, 2 quest modules, all the images, and the 2 .map files.

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Vice2x v1.21 with DTV emulation (C64 emu for GP2x)

GnoStiC has released a new version of Vice2x with DTV emulation. Vice emulates a C64, C128, Plus4, Vic20, PET and CBM-II.

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Mad City (RC 3) (NDS Game)

Schyzophrenic has updated his maze game for the Nintendo DS. This version adds english language support.

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mpdDS v0.2a (NDS Application)

mpdDS is a MPD client for the Nintendo DS. A changelog in french language is available at it’s release thread.

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Portable VNC v1.2.6 (PSP Application)

Here is a new release of Portable VNC for Custom FW 3.x-OE and FW 1.5. For those for haven’t seen previous versions, VNC let you access to your PC desktop from anywhere using a wifi connection.


+ Add new useful keys to the danzeff keyboard such as Win, Alt-tab, etc …
+ All keys of the virtual keyboard are now really working !
(many keys were not usable in the previous version)
+ Support more keys with the IR-keyboard

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Ascii Panic (NDS Game)

Homebrew developer Spoon has released a eye-wracking game, where you must find his name in an assortment of diffrent colored and flickering ASCII letters.

Thanks to for the news.

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Cube Breakout v3.1 (NDS Game)

sephiroth ff7 presents another update to his game Cube Breakout. This release fixes two unspecified bugs.

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SNES9xGx v2.0.1b7 (SNES emu for GC)

SNES9xGx is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube.


Fixed: Zip compressed freezes to memory card could become corrupted as the file size changed – fixed this by deleting the existing file before writing new one if the file size increased. If the file got smaller or stayed the same the original file is updated, using less of the existing file if the actual file size is smaller. A check is made before deleting the existing freeze file to ensure that there is enough space available for the new file. Note that additional space equivalent to the new file size must be available. If not enough space is available the original freeze is retained and the user is informed of the lack of space.
* Fixed: If option to auto-load freeze was selected, joypad config would not be restored since that is stored in SRAM. Resolved this for now by first loading SRAM if any and then loading the freeze. Obviously having to have both SRAM and freeze is not ideal, but this gets the job done if you have enough space on your memory card, SD card, etc.
* Added prompt when returning to the menu with autosave enabled allowing the user choose whether or not to perform the save. Press A to save or B if you don’t wish to save.
* Added optional verification of Gamecube memory card saves. After writing the file it reads it back in and verifies that the written file matches what was to be saved. If it doesn’t or if there was a problem opening the file it reports the problem to the user. Set this option in the preferences if desired.
* Added Reset Gamecube/Wii menu item
* Experimental DVD support for reading beyond 1.36 GB barrier on Wii. I have no way to test this, so please report on whether or not it works! Based on svpe’s code.

NOTE: due to changes in the settings, this version will reset your emulator options settings, so if you had saved preferences you will need to make your changes to the emulator settings again and save them.

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Starcraft Ghost GBA v0.2 (GBA Game)

This is an attempt to bring “Starcraft Ghost” to the Gameboy Advance. The game is still in early stages.

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