Dingoo Linux (Dingux) News
NuPDF v0.301 (Dingoo Linux Application)

NuPDF is a small, relatively fast PDF reader for the Dingoo-A320 running Dingux.


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Warehouse Panic v1.2 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Warehouse Panic is a time management stress game where you have to divide your attention between junction points in a warehouse as you sort the hordes of oncoming crates.

Crates are delivered from trucks and it is your job to sort them to their correct destination based on their color. Sounds easier then it is.


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HOLd (24-09-2010) (Dingoo Linux Application)

HOLd (HOLD daemon) turns off LCD backlight if the HOLD button pressed and enables again if unpressed.

To autostart add to /local/sbin/main before “./gmenu2x” following: /boot/path/to/hold &


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SDLMonkey v0.1 (Dingoo Linux Game)

SDLMonkey by Sol, ported by: Zyoma.


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Zelda 3T v1.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Zelda Time to Triumph (Zelda 3T) is a fandmade Zelda game.

After the events that occured in Termina and the victory of the hero on his evil alter-ego, Zelda and Link knew that, from the bottom of hell, Ganon the immortal drawed his power from his wish to the Triforce, and rounded up his army with a view to invade Hyrule. Until the day when, after months spent watching out for an attack, an event came up and put an end to this endless waiting…

Release notes:

What has been fixed:
1) Correct Button displays while doing text conversations.
Button re-mapping:
Display Map – L Shoulder
See defeated monsters – X
See fishes – X
See barter items – X
Oni Link transformation – X
2) Why changing Map button from X to L?
Ans. Since, throughout the game you have to use maps all the times therefore; I have
assinged a dedicated button for it.
3) Why X button has been used for so many actions?
Ans. It’s because different items are collected in different parts of the game.

New Game Control:
Move Player — D-Pad
Run — Hold A (if you own boots)
Use the sword — B (if you own a sword)
Great technique — B to load, release when fully
charged (after the tone) to use a spin attack.
Look around — R + D-Pad (outside dungeons)
Selected Object — Y (only when the selected object is useable)
Lift an item — A (and A again to throw it)
Display Map — L (outside or in a dungeon)
See defeated monsters — X (after finding it)
See fishes — X
See barter items — X
Oni Link transformation — X
Open a chest/Read/Speak — B
Select/Confirm/Pass — Start
Access/Quit the selection item menu — Start
Quit/Save — Select


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MadPlay v0.2 (Dingoo Linux Application)

Definition: madplay: MPEG audio player in fixed point MAD is an MPEG audio decoder. It currently only supports the MPEG 1 standard, but fully implements all three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III, the latter often colloquially known as MP3.). There is also full support for ID3 tags. All work is done in fixed point, so it even works on machines without a FPU.

Description from: http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/madplay.htm


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Commander Genius (Release 1) (Dingoo Linux misc)

Commander Genius aka CloneKeenPlus is an engine which interprets Commander Keen 1-3.


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Zombie Sorbet v1.0 (Dingoo Linux Game)

Zombie invasion! Zombies have run amok in the otherwise peaceful town of Uebelstadt. Alas, the military does not have sufficient resources to end the threatening zombie invasion. However, a plan, to keep the zombie population from spreading, has been formulated. By feeding human brains to the zombies, these evil creatures will be kept from infesting more people until additional government funding is assigned to the military. The government has stocked ordinary ice cream vans with human brains and other delicious zombie-delicates. You are unfortunate to have been assigned the gruesome task of driving one of these vans into Uebelstadt to feed the raging zombie hordes.

How to play:
You play by selecting a zombie to get his preferred scoop. Once you have gotten the zombie’s order, go to the cone machine and make the requested cone. Then pick up the cone and take it to the brain dispenser, where you add the brain. When the order is done, bring it to the zombie. To complete a level you must make enough bloody palms before time runs out. As levels progress, you get new machines as the zombies expand their taste palette. Good luck!


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Exult (Beta 2) (SVN 6317) (Dingoo Linux misc)

Exult is a project to recreate Ultima 7 for modern operating systems, using the game’s original plot, data, and graphics files.

Supported are:
* Ultima 7 – Black Gate and
* Ultima 7 – Serpent Isle


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Abu Simbel Profanation Deluxe (Final) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

This is a remake of the classic game “Abu Simbel Profanation” with enhanced graphics.


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