Dingoo Linux (Dingux) News
CoolDown v0.90 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

This game was inspired by the old game PipeMania, although it changed a lot during development. Your task is to cool down the ball coming from the start field. 100 levels, increasing difficulty, pipes in 4 colors, special tiles, multiple balls.


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SNES9x (28-08-2010) (SNES emu for Dingoo Linux)

SNES9x is a new version/port of SNES9x, which is not the same version as SNES9x4D.


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qrash v1.0 (Dingoo Linux Demo Port)

qrash is a non-interactive demo by the Queue Members Group. Source code included.


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Zelda 3T (Beta) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

After the events that occured in Termina and the victory of the hero on his evil alter-ego, Zelda and Link knew that, from the bottom of hell, Ganon the immortal drawed his power from his wish to the Triforce, and rounded up his army with a view to invade Hyrule. Until the day when, after months spent watching out for an attack, an event came up and put an end to this endless waiting…


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Oldplay v1.12 (Dingoo Linux Application)

Oldplay plays plenty of older but also newer audio formats.


– Fixed transparent zip support using blargg’s great File_Extractor Library, which also supports other compressed formats like gzip, rar, 7zip, among others. * NOTE: Many rar and 7z files needs a lot of ram to be uncompressed, so i recommend using zip instead *
– Added tta plugin.
– Added wavpack plugin.
– Added support for .mp4 and .m4a extensions in the faadplugin.
– Reduced executable size.
– Fixed mp3 bus error/seg fault issue when trying to load a second song.
– Replaced mad plugin with a new one based on mpg123.


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SDL_draw v1.2.1 (Dingoo Linux misc)

This is a simple library to draw basic elements, like points, lines and circles, on SDL surfaces. Compiled for Dingux.


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Color Lines SDL v0.2 (Dingoo Linux Game)

This is the original Russian version of Lines. It is a turn-based board game. Each turn, three randomly colored balls fall on random grids of a 9×9 squares board. Your mission is to re-locate the balls (by moving one of them per turn) to form lines consisting of five or more balls of the same color. The lines can be arranged vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Each line you build immediately disappears, giving you points. There is basically no end to the game, but your first objective is to surpass the 3000 points scored by the “king”. Once you surpass him, he loses the throne and you become the new king, but the game continues ad infinitum. You lose when the entire board is filled with balls. [Text from: http://www.mobygames.com/game/color-lines ]


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SIDingux v0.02 (Dingoo Linux Application)

SIDingux is a SID music player for the Dingux. It’s a preview version so a bunch of things might not work in the way they should.

Release notes:

This version should play SID files at the correct speed now


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Loop v3 (Dingoo Linux Demo Port)

A port of the demo Loop by CSR!


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Zelda OLB v1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Brought down by a terrible curse since his recent victory on the Dark Lord, Link is changing, day by day, into a powerful creature with a destructive nature named Oni-Link. Bannished from Hyrule, the young hylian asks the princess Zelda some help. She shows him his last hope: a portal to a secret world.


* First release


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