Tooldroid is an Android Toolbox Project. More information is available in japanese(?) language by following the link below.
The G-Bios project aims at designing and developing a general architecture of bootloader/BIOS for Android and other embedded Linux.
1. Seperated into two parts: top half and bottom half.
2. Video BIOS Integerated.
3. Friendly user interface.
4. Auto-decting image file type and auto-burning intelligently.
5. etc.
Sonic Flashcards is a dynamic flash card that uses memory techniques and multimedia to maximize learning.
The service allows mutual location sharing between android device user.
Android-VNC-Viewer is a VNC Viewer for Android phones. Android-VNC-Viewer is forked from tightVNC viewer.
Lablz Browser Bhoost or simply Bhoost, is a shell around Android’s WebKit. Lablz aims to give Web Developers same power as Java developers to create Android applications which iPhone owners will envy.
Tooldroid is an Android Toolbox Project. More information is available in japanese(?) language by following the link below.
Link It is a “Try to connect” game. No further description in english is available (but in japanese?).
MobiLogger is a mobile blogging tool for the Android platform. It’s main design principles are:
* Do one thing (mobile blogging) and do it well
* No matter where your blog is hosted, it’ll be editable with MobiLogger
* Simpler is better
Metroid is an Android itinerary planning application meant to help users with public transportation systems worldwide.
Further release notes:
Our ambition is to make Metroid, a must have for Android users traveling around the globe. We are committed to support as many cities as possible. Metroid has been designed with extensibility in mind. It is able to support any public transportation system provided that the right map is available.
Metroid is based on maps. A map encapsulates all data about a city : transportation lines, frequency, stops… Metroid maps are based on a very simple text based format. The map data will be mainly contributed by the community. A special utility has been created to turn the map data into a compact and efficient format to be transfered and used on android devices. Based on that open approach, virtually every city in the world will be supported. At the moment 7 cities are supported : Paris,San Francisco,Milan, Washington and Atlanta. Many more to come.