Miscellaneous News
as promised the other day I said I would release the new version of Darts and here it is. Unfortunately there are several features missing in the game due to lack of time, you can read more about them in the notes.txt file. Here are the main changes for this release:
– Everything is now in 16bit display- Redesigned Menu system with music.- New dartboard graphics and animations.- Choice of practice game (1P) and two human players (2P). Sorry, no CPU opponent.- Music and sound effects.- Announcer speech.- New ‘Drunken Dart’ routine (not happy with it though).- Dart throw power gauge.
Also included with the download is a PDF manual on how to play the game, doubling out chart and the controls. Please give feedback on this game, officially this is the final release but if I get good feedback theres a small chance I will fix up any bugs etc. I especially want to know the aiming difficulty, too easy or hard? You can do this by posting on my forum posthere.You can download the new release fromGP32Emu.
Here is the latest project from FluBBa. Goomba is a Gameboy Classic emulator for the Gameboy Advance. In case you do not have a GB-Bridge and own a flashcard this might save you a little money. Here are the release notes for this version:
Initial release. GB-Z80 done, probably some bug left. Memory done, only 8kbytes of external ram. LCD done, windows not fully working. Sound done, waveram not allways updated correctly. MBC’s, most done, no clock or ram paging yet. Controller done. Serial done, should act like real. Savestates done, not found any problems. Link Transfer done, as usual works when it wants to.
Woogal’s”Lazy Reader”is a txt viewer for those people who can’t bebothered pressing a button every time they want to view the next page. Or, to put it another way, it’s a variable speed auto scrolling txt viewer.http://gp32.sector808.org/lazyreader.php
The pictures of ThunderZ’s 3D engine for GP32 has been shown on many various related pages yet. Now there is more information on it (downloads soon). Thanks toGP32newsfor the news and ThunderZ himself for telling me about this.
The license of the engine, I’m working is no more commercial license.So i’ve decide to distribut the GP32 version and the tools freely to make everyone can use it (license not yet choose).Here some specification of the engine :* The current GP32 viewport is 320×240 pixels, 16bit.* Engine supports radiosity lighting and shadows.* All textures are 64×64 8bit.* Rotated vertices are cached and reused by neighbouring cells.* A vertex pool is used to insert new vertices into clipped polygons reducing memory shifting.* Textures are converted to 15bit via a precalculated lighting LUT.* Polygons can be any convex shape. Only squares are currently used.* Each vertex is described as X, Y, Z, U, V and brightness.* The renderer uses 24:8 fixed point maths.* Polygons are clipped in 3D space using 45 degree planes. Distance to plane calculations therefore use only additions and subtractions.* Polygon edges are clipped using one divide and 6 multiplies.* 4 clipping planes are used. No front plane is required. No back plane is used.* No per-span clipping is used. Fixed point errors are hidden offscreen.* Ray-casting is used to build a visablity list and valid polygon rendering order.* Models are merged into the VIS without sorting.* No Z-buffers are used. Rendering is back-to-front (painters algorithm).* The is an acceptable level of overdraw. Complete polygons are culled. Polygon edges are drawn faster than using a per span clipper.* Lighting is pre-calculated on startup. Lighting can be moved at runtime.* Lighting is expanded per vertex and interpolated along polygon edges.* A reciprocal table is used to eliminate all divides from the DDA texture mapper.* The affine texture loop is unrolled and renders blocks of 32 pixels.
Guyfawkes released a beta of his new game YahtzeeGP over at GP32emu.http://www.gp32emu.com/
I recognized latly that the planed deadline was a Friday (31st October). A few of you might need a bit more time or want to start an entry, so the new deadline is now Sunday the 2nd November 23:59 / GMT +1 – Kojote
Keyboard is a writing system intended for handling complex input on a few button device using almost no memory or processing resources (it’s just a matter of user interface). Keyboard Advance implements Keyboard system on a Game Boy Advance. The author of Keyboard is Francesco Napolitano.http://digilander.libero.it/franapoli/keyboardadvance/
A new demo/game appeared on GBAdev. It’s called”Sheep Pushing”and was coded by Adam T. You can get the file at GBAdev.http://www.gbadev.org/
Pancid had enough time to update the search script a bit more. If you move your mouse over the filename it will show you what system the production is for. This should make things a bit easier 🙂
Please note that the submitted BINARY (.gb .fxe .bin .gba .gbc) shouldNOTbe larger than 256kb. I don’t mind if you use internal compression inside the BINARY, but the final size of the BINARY counts. It does not work out if you submit an binary which is 90kb ZIP compressed but 640kb uncompressed. Please be sure to read all rules again before submitting stuff. Thanks!