Miscellaneous News
Text taken fromGP32emu.com:
Ryleh sent Atrkid a beta of his WIP NES emulator fNES32 for the GP32. Its looking great so far running at around 100% speed with sound on Frame Skip 1 on Mario 1 for example, the sound isnt quite perfect in some games just yet but its definately playable. Most of the games he tested worked great, just some issues with some games such as Megaman 3 in the stage selection screen, Zelda when changing screens and GFX glitches in Kirby 3.Ryleh is planning to add multiplayer, snapshots and savestates later today and will probably fix some other bugs like the sound and game errors mentioned above.
Screenshots can be viewed over at GP32emu.http://www.gp32emu.com
Text taken fromGP32emu.com:
Not long after the first release of this Vectrex emulator for the GP32 comes the second. This version has input and improvements to the CPU core. There is also a frameskip which should speed things up.
Text taken fromGP32x.com:
Take control of Tony Blairs’ dismembered head and fire lazer beams out of his cold, dead eyes. The full game will see you targeting all of Tone’s enemies in a challenging battle against freedom and democracy. The game will also feature bonus stages where you must see off troublesome back-benchers and Robin Cook.
GP32x.comshowes a screenshot with some progress at Castaway GP. It’s a screenshot of the titlescreen from”Dungeon Master”… seems the emu is getting better 🙂http://www.codejedi.com/shadowplan/gp32.html
Also released by Brian is BSPlay, a music player for the GP32 which plays his own format music originally for the Amiga. Its a beta version at the moment so expect some bugs etc. More information and downloads including some music can be found on his site athttp://www.brianpostma.com/.
Brian let me know that he has converted some games originally made for Java to the GP32. They are Blister Ball, Breakout, Jatris and Jamidar. Visit his site athttp://www.brianpostma.com/for more information and the downloads.
Text taken from it’s official page:
Still not very usable, but this time we’re talking *fast*. You can watch the ST boot and run to desktop in just a couple seconds. Heck, faster than a normal ST! The mouse is still broken, and a few other oddities.. but it looks good, and it runs good. So we’re getting there!
The first version of VCS32 a port of the Atari 2600 emulator, Virtual VCS, has been released today. Here are some notes for this release:
– Paddles and input devices other than joysticks are not emulated.- Compatibility issues (only a percentage of the Atari 2600 games currently work) Some games will hang emulation.- Collision bugs when using frameskip.- The executable is pretty big at>600k!
Visit the homepage athttp://www.atariage.com/2600/emulation/GP32/for the downloads.
MODPlay is a player of Amiga music files in the Pro/Soundtracker format for the GP32. I’ve updated the player with the following enhancements:
- Completely rewritten and user friendly file requester
- Loading the modules from a ZIP archive (but you can still load them directly from the SMC)
- A playlist
- Bug fix of the arpeggio effect in the play routine
Furthermore, the sources of the play routine are available for the GP32, Sega Dreamcast and the PC (SDL and Allegro). The play routine has also been optimized a bit and should be slightly faster now. An updated precompiled binary is of course available for the GP32.http://chn.roarvgm.com/
FluBBa released a new version of his PC Engine emulator for the GBA. Just the one change in this version:
Using as a Pogoshell plugin should work.
Downloads can be found on his homepagehere.