Pandora News
Santas Super Christmas Challenge v1.0.0.2 (Pandora Game)

Santa’s Super Christmas Challenge is a Pandora crap game by matti1234.

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Asscade cASSette 10 v1.01.0.1 (Pandora Games)

Asscade cASSette 10 is an exhilarating compendium of 10 classic games, exclusively on the Pandora, that will be loved and enjoyed for seconds.

This .PND was created specially for the ‘Crap Game Competition’ organised by Commander Beef. This app is deliberately bad. So if you come back and tell the author ‘This game is CRAP!!!!’ then he has complete his mission.

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Pandafe v0.3.0.2-b464 (Pandora Application)

Pandafe by nuhrin is a sort of “universal” SDL frontend for Pandora games and emulators.

It was written especially for the Pandora, with the following goals:

* browse and run all roms and games from a single program
* specify commandline options for each game via a menu
* be fully configurable and extendable via the program itself
* use only dpad and buttons to do all this
* persist data via yaml, for human reading/writing/sharing


* Uploads with build versions (0.3.0.x-xxxx) contain bug fixes. See github for details

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lv2rack v6.0.0.1 (Pandora Application Port)

lv2rack is JACK based, GTK (2.x) host for LV2 synths. It has one JACK MIDI input port (routed to all hosted synths) and one (two for stereo synths) JACK audio output port per plugin. Such design provides multi-timbral sound by running several synth plugins. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

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UAE4ALL v2.4.0.0 (Amiga 500 emu for Pandora)

UAE4ALL for the Pandora has been updated. UAE4ALL is a famous branch of UAE, an well known Amiga emulator. It’s very compatible and runs many games!


AGA/OCS/ECS, 68020 and 68000 emulation, harddisk-support, WHDLoad-support, Chip/Slow/Fast-mem settings, savestates, vsync, most games run fullspeed at 600 MHz with no frameskip, smooth 50Hz scrolling, custom controls, custom screenmodes, screen positioning, heavy/medium/light manual autofire, nub mouse input, support for stylus input


– Right shift of entire display by one pixel fixed
– New Amiga screen widths: 352, 384, 704, 768
– HD file/folder specific configs
– Merged some changes of other uae versions in cia.cpp, custom.cpp, filesys.cpp
– Selecting different .adf changes nothing in configuration if no disk-specific config exists
– Option to select joystick in port 0, port 1 or both. Select the right port to prevent activating second player in some games.
– Bugfix: press of second button in port 0 often interpreted as press of both buttons
– Bugfix: load of disk specific config copied last used disk name to all empty drives
– Performance enhancements: some AGA stuff runs now with full speed without frameskip on 1 GHz Pandora
– Bugfix (hopefully): mousepointer no longer limited to part of screen
– Added stereo mode (thanks to lubomyr for his changes in android version)
– Added Amiga 1200T2 mode (need to overclock to 1.1 GHz to get 25 fps for my AGA reference demo)
– Bugfix: select preset A500 or A1200 adjust Amiga cpu speed to 500 or 1200
– Bugfix: Sometimes wrong colors in AGA EHB and AGA dual playfield mode
– Menu for display settings no longer scaled like Amiga screen (for some sizes, not all menu items were visible)
– Bugfix: memory used for loading kickrom was never freed
– Bugfix: Floating point exception if default config has less then 4 drives and you use later a disk specific config with 4 drives
– Bugfix: sometimes sound glitches after restore of a savestate

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Qtractor v0.5.11.11 (Pandora Application Port)

Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Remove Fabla and Sorcer, too much cpu usage.
– Added Zamclip, Zamcomp and Zamcompexp LV2 and dssi-sfxr plugins.
– Updated previews and clean up libs.

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Blake Stone: Planet Strike v2.0.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Blake Stone: Planet Strike is the sequel to the computer game Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, made by JAM Productions and released on October 28, 1994, by Apogee Software. It featured new enemies (mostly palette swaps of the originals), new weapons and levels. [Text from Wikipedia]. Ported to Pandora by Pickle.


– no changelog found

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DosBox EX Ultimate v12.02.0.3 (DOS emu for Pandora)

DosBox EX Ultimate is a fork of DosBox focused on speed and easy use. Maintained and ported by StreaK.


– New option to Purge Specific OpenPandora keys [A/X/B/Y/LTrigger/RTrigger/Select/Start] in Custom Mapper window
– Changed stars rating icons [now its multicolour]
– Adjusted standard mapper a little bit.. [PgUp,PgDown,Home,End keys are not set, now]
– GameList focusing adjusted
– in Custom Mapper window OpenPandora Key EditBox is now in R/W mode so you can add multiple OP keys
– Removed some unused scans from Creative Commons games
– Few other, smaller adjustments..

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Space Rocks! v1.1.3.0 (Pandora Game)

Space Rocks! by B-ZaR is an Asteroids clone based on glhck and glfw.


– 12 asteroid themes and backgrounds
– Fixed UFO occurrance bug
– Boosted plasma and beam
– Less pronounced shield bounce
– Performance tuneups
– Remove D-pad throttle

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Mupen64Plus v2.0.0.09 (N64 emu for Pandora)

Mupen64Plus is a cross-platform plugin-based N64 emulator which is capable of accurately playing many games. Included are four MIPS R4300 CPU emulators, with dynamic recompilers for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit amd64 systems, and necessary plugins for audio, graphical rendering (RDP), signal co-processor (RSP), and input. There is 1 included OpenGL video plugin, called RiceVideo. There are 3 other excellent video plugins being maintained by wahrhaft, called Arachnoid, Glide64, and Z64.


* Recompiled CORE for more performances
* Some fixes to both Rice plugins
* Recompiled all video plugin (except Arachnoid) for more performances

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