LvR (Gameboy Advance)

FBI v2.4.0 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.


* Add action for deleting a title and its ticket at the same time.
* Add support for
* Add version number parsing.
* Adjust resolution of QR code camera.
* Display all file attributes.
* Display title region information, when available.
* Improve title destination detection.
* Move NAND dumps to “sdmc:/fbi/nand/”, name by date and time.
* Fix CDN installation of non-DLC add-on content.
* Fix displaying metadata of CIA files with sizes greater than 2GB.

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Labyrinth 3D v1.2 (3DS Game)

Labyrinth 3D is, as the title says, a game where you have to find the exit from the labyrinth you’re in. It supports different map sizes and you’ll have some scrolls according to map size. These scrolls can be used to “mark” a wall of the labyrinth so you can see where you already went (after marking a wall, it will become golden).

Labyrinths are generated through Primm’s Algorithm so you’ll have infinite random mazes to solve. Any generated maze will provide a seed so you can share these labyrinths with others and play them through the voice “Start game with Seed”.

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Floomy v1.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Floomy by hcnt is a autojumper bouncing game, way up to to top. It features endless random platforms, pickups, deadly obstacles and highscores. The authors highest score is around 5200 at the moment. Can you beat it?

Release notes:

* oops, forgot to add highscores when you died on spikes. fixed in v1.1

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REV’n’GE Issue #60 (misc)

Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #60 is out!

REV'n'GE #60

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QjackCtl v0.4.2.0 (Pandora Application Port)

QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server (, for the Linux Audio infrastructure. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release, compiled with QT 5.7.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND.
– Updated libs and sources.

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OpenSyobon3DS v1.2 (3DS Game Port)

OpenSyobon3DS aka Open Syobon Action aka CAT Mario has been ported to Nintendo 3DS by nop90. It’s sort of a Mario game but with a devilish twist, it’s really very difficult to play.


– Fixed blurred text caused by SFTDLib (used workaround found on Xerpi github)
– Added sprites for ceiling spikes, previously drawn as white lines
– Changed two level icons with better images
– Added touch controls for level selection in menu and to retry level/quit level in game

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Pretty Princess Castle Escape v0.6.0 (GB Game)

Pretty Princess Castle Escape by sergeeo and Zalo has been updated. It’s supposed to be the final version. Thanks to sergeeo for the news udpate.

The Princess has to escape from the Royal Castle and needs to avoid spikes, placed almost everywhere! Help her get her crown back!

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TRAIN v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

TRAIN is a PICO-8 game by PROGRAM_IX.

You have a large control panel for a very small toy train. The controls are supposed to be something of a puzzle. There are no instructions, only hints, but suffice it to say that you can make the train move. Fuel is limited, so the goal is to maximize your distance.

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Floomy v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Floomy by hcnt is a autojumper bouncing game, way up to to top. It features endless random platforms, pickups, deadly obstacles and highscores. The authors highest score is around 5200 at the moment. Can you beat it?

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Chasing The Sun (PICO-8 misc)

Chasing The Sun by creamdog is a PICO-8 single effect demo.

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