Pocket PC News
Send sms to multiple contacts.
How To:
– type your message on the first box. if you want the name of your contact to appear in your message, just type in @@@ where you want the name to appear inside the message.
– add contacts in your list: Menu > Add Contact
– save your list for future uses: Menu > Save List
– load your list: Menu > Load List
– sending sms: Send menu will show SIM1 and SIM2 because this application was written for ACER DX900 dual sim phone but using it on a single sim WM device will also work.
– after pressing send, the application will hide itself, and will reshow itself after the task is done.
– added ability to PASTE in textbox
– multiple lists
Soccer Touch is a simple “tip the ball”-game. Just click the ball to tip it; but if it touches the ground, your score is zero’ed.
This game is auto scaling to all resolutions, but graphics have been optimized to run on WVGA.
D-RAW is a “draw and play”-game, where you first draw a line, and then sets an object in motion, which will follow that line.
FacebookIM or short FIM is a facebook chat client for Windows Mobile.
* fixed connection problems
* added external browser option (good if you want to use opera or having problem viewing on wm 6.5)
* fixed image cache
* added partial support for wm2003se (arm)
xdaShutdown is a fully skinnable shutdown application.
-[BUG] Fixed command line bugs (would only shutdown)
-[TWK] Replaced Kernel IO Control with ExitWindowsEx(). This should ensure settings are saved upon restart / shutdown.
-[TWK] The Sleep / Light’s out option simply overrides the action of the Sleep button to light’s out – even if you have a seperate lights out button.
-[NEW] Ability to create a Long_press.lnk shortcut in Windows. Existing shortcut is backed up and restored if needed when removing the shortcut.
-[NEW] Various XML Changes, If you’re new to skinning, just see post #2 and read up. If you’re an existing skinner and want to see what’s changed, read below.
Fast and simple Sudoku game for Pocket PC’s.
20 VIII – ver 0.7:
– released for WVGA, QVGA and WQVGA
17 VIII – ver 0.7 (only VGA):
– fixed some bugs
– improvements in layout
– new functions like pause, alternative color input, etc.
– new levels
– possibility to edit and add you own levels
OnTV will download TV listings of swedish channels. It will also download information about a TV shows. Currently there are only a few channels are available.
OnTV uses any existing internet connection to download the listings. To avoid downloading to much data, it downloads each channel only once you click on it to watch.
OnTV is only available in VGA at this stage.
Touch Break is a clone of Arkanoid / Breakout. This game is auto scaling to all resolutions, but graphics have been optimized to run on WVGA.
=> 5 different level types!
=> A *lot* of optimizations have been implemented for a more fluent gameplay. I’m not quite satisfied yet, however.
FEWidgets Ultimate is a Today Plugin for Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 devices (WM 5 is not supported).
– Haptic feedback. When clicking on widget buttons you’ll feel a small vibration.
– Multiple Layouts/Pages support (up to 4).
– Multiple Windows for each page with 0 loading time.
– Fullscreen Mode.
– Support for Landscape/Portrait modes.
– Skinnable though XML files (or just modifying the images).
– Scriptable through javascript.
– Extensible though C++ plugins.
– Support for Acceleration/Light sensor on the engine. (not used right now by any Widget)
Implemented Widgets:
– Operator Name
– RSS Feed Reader
– Comming Appointments
– Tasks
– Contact widget
– Date widget
– Battery/Phone signal Strength indicator.
– S2P Player control.
– Analog Clock
– Diamond like Clock
– Background Image Changer
– Bluetooth State (Can turn on/off)
– Wi-Fi State (Can turn on/off)
– Quick Dial.
– Layout swapper.
– Locker (locks widget dragging)
– Calendar (when tapped will link to WindowsCalendar.lnk)
– Shortcuts Widget. This widget allows creating shortcuts to exe/lnk files. You can drop the widget as many times as you want.
– Missed Calls. Shows the number of missed calls. When double tapped will take you to the missed calls log.
– Unread SMS. Shows the number of unread SMSs.
– Unread Mail. Shows the number of unread Mail on all accounts.
– Sound Profile changer. Lets you switch between On/Vibrate/Off modes.
– Weather. Shows you the weather for today. Current temperature and forecasted Min/Max for today.
– SMS information. Once you drop this widget once, if you remove it, it’ll spawn automatically the next time you have an SMS message on the same possition you had placed it.
– Programs. Shows the contents of the Programs folder of the Start Menu on a kinetic scrolling list.
– [Fixed] The calendar widget does not consider leap years.
– [Fixed] Months with the first day on a sunday will not show the day on the Calendar widget.
– [Fixed] If you have the lock on screen in portrait and switch to landscape, and you drag a lock onto the landscape page, lock it in portait and unlock it in landscape… the lock icon will be same place as portrait area.
– [Fixed] When chaging portrait/layout modes the window resizing is not done properly.
– [Fixed] WiFi Widget does not change colors correctly.
– [Fixed] Operator widget is empty when the device is soft reseted.
– [Fixed] If the SMS widget is placed on portrait too low, it won’t appear when the device is on landscape.
– [Fixed] When rotating the device te widgets bar returns to open state.
– [New] Pages/Windows ammounts can now be set through the configuration screen.
– [New] Now tapping on the Calendar widget opens the calendar application.
– [New] Now Application executed when tapping on Tasks, Appointments and Calendar can be configured.
– [New] Now you can search contacts faster typing their names.
– [New] An about message box can be shown on custom widgets.
– [New] Now tapping (once) on the signal widget will turn the phone on/off. (might not work on some devices)
SetVolume is a finger friendly volume changer.
added support for transparent/opaque background images (skin available as separate download)
fixed bug where increase/decrease buttons will hide the app