Playstation Portable News
Car Crash v3 (PSP Lua Game)

Grafele has updated his LUA game Car Crash again. Avoid crashing into police cars and survive as long as possible.

Changes (translated from german to english by Kojote):

* You can not drive on the meadow anymore
* The code recieved a cleanup
* The analogue stick can be used for moving now
* Police appears randomly
* Collsion detection has improved a lot
* Speed is a lot higher now (more difficult)

Thanks to once again for the news.

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Blobby Volley PSP v0.3 (PSP Lua Game)

Blobby Volley is a volleyball game for Playstation Portable written in Lua by Alois.

Thanks to for the news.

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Battle Star (Demo) (PSP Lua Game)

kingromain released a new 2D side scrolling shooter for Playstation Portable, written in Lua. This release is early, but playable.

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SOS Princess Peach (PSP Lua Game)

Save Princess Peach!

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Poisons Keyboard v4 (PSP misc)

Poisons Keyboard is a virtual keyboard for the PSP.

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UO gpSP Kai v3.2 – Test v8.6 (GBA emu for PSP)

“UO gpSP Kai” is an unofficial enhancement of exophase’s Gameboy Advance emulator gpSP.

Thanks to and for the news.

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playPSP v1.1 (PSP Lua misc)

DGGC92 comes up with some Lua stuff. playPSP contains 2 programs – a pong game and a pixel fixer.

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Fibonacci Calculator (PSP Application)

maxthebest comes up with his second homebrew application, this time it’s a Fibonacci calculator. It allows you to compute Fibonacci number on your PSP and saves it under ms0:/fibonacci.txt

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Protect-Me v2.0 (PSP Application)

maxthebest updated his security application from yesterday.


Corrected the speed of the letters (I slowed it down because it was way too fast!)
Changed the name of the password file : now it doesn’t really look like a password file
Corrected (At least it wortks on my PSP) the bug of the theme, which hid the password in the xmb
Now the prx checks if there is a password file or not, if there isn’t, the prx doesn’t ask the password anymore.
Now the password is encrypted in the file (not very hard to uncrypt but that’s enough for your brothers or children…)

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PSPTI99 v1.0.2 (TI-99 emu for PSP)

PSPTI99 is a TI-99/4 emulator for PSP.


– Add save state feature !
– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– Disable speech system (make the emulator to freeze)
– Bug fix in the render function (dark screen)

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