FireGhouls v1.15 (NDS Lua Game)

Balrog has updated his NDS Lua game FireGhouls. Goal is to kill various beasts and monsters.

Thanks to for the news.

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PXML v2.0 (Pandora misc)

The Pandora’s PXML description has been updated. The PXML file format is a standard that has to be included with every application to ensure it’s working properly with every Pandora GUI.,0,0,0,45,35

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GoldenEye Advance (26-11-2009) (GBA Game)

CrazyLapinou is working on “GoldenEye Advance”, it’s a remake of the Nintendo 64 game GoldenEye.

Release notes:

Warning: This is a development version. The first level is not finished yet and not all functions are not yet implemented

26/11/2009 – Development version:
– Start of first level
– Control character
– Menu with backup management

– Cinematic start
– Management of Arms
– Management of enemies
– Management objectives
– Surely many others …

Thanks to for the news.

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Lampe v1.3 (NDS Application)

Lampe is a (flashing) light application for the Nintendo DS. The program has a few options and even allows you to set colors etc.

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Mplayer CE v0.76 (Wii Application)

Mplayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX.


Fixes for 4.2 update
Stability fixes (hopefully freezing is gone forever now)
Network (LAN and WAN) speeds increased
Added directory play feature
YouTube section entirely revamped
Added Nintendo Channel content (quality may not yet be optimal) (thanks to yellowstar6 for his work on ninchdl-listext)
[ was planned but couldn’t make it on time]
Many, many more bugs fixed

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Gecko OS v1.9.3 (Final) (Wii Application)

Gecko OS (formerly Gecko Region Free) lets you load Wii games from other regions.


Loading games no longer requires a second disc spin-up
Added support for the new Homebrew Channel ID
Fixed channel loading to use the selected hook type, instead of always using the VBI hook
Improved the 002 error prevention method for channels
Add support for using cIOS for rebooter
Fix dol/elf loading
Add support for System Menu 4.2
Bug fix for poke function in gameconfig.txt (thanks to WiiPower)

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cleanRAM v1.9.1 (PPC Application)

This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.

Release notes:

No changelog yet

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sneakText v1.0 (PPC Application)

sneakText uses a custom built alphanumeric text cipher to secure just about any text-related operations you can think of. Enter a message in the interface, followed by a codeword, select ‘sneak’ or ‘unsneak’, and hit ‘do it’. The app will then either securely encrypt the message, or decrypt it.

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fx_powerspoof (24-11-2009) (PSP Application)

fx_powerspoof makes your PSP think you are having a 100% full battery.


Quite simple, just stick it in seplugins, than add it to your game.txt and/or vsh.txt, then watch your system settings always think you have a battery at 100%, when it reality, you (probably) do not.

The main use for this is those games that install updates sony-style, and require 75% or so battery, when that is totally unnecessary and a waste of your time, because if you run out of battery – oh well, start over, nothing harmed, as it does not flash a thing.

How NOT to use:
During flashing(specifically flash0) things that require 75% battery. Not a bright idea. You can, but if you screw up, not my problem .

How it works:
1. scePowerGetBatteryPercent to always return 100 via jr ra->addiu $v0, $zero, 100
2. scePowerIsLowBattery to always return 0 via jr ra->addu $v0, $zero, $zero
3. scePowerIsBatteryExist to always return 1 via jr ra->addiu $v0, $zero, 0x0001


Unloads itself, so it won’t make your kernel memory all lame and sliced up

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pspHBSortTool v1.1.2 (PSP Application misc)

This tool allows you to change the order your homebrew appears on the PSP within the categories and for those using the context menu you can change the order of the categories too.

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