Gnextop v0.3 (Beta) (PSP misc)

Gnextop is the portal that lets you edit documents, browse the web and talk to friends, all at the same time! It is currently at Beta 3 (Version 0.3), and it is on schedule to be released in the second/third quarter of this year.

Gnextop combines features of Linux’s Gnome and KDE, to make a friendly yet powerful interface. If you don’t like the look of the interface, it’s easily changed!

Gnextop is a free product by, and it includes many features, including:

– JavaScript terminal, you can run JavaScript commands within Gnextop.
– Works on PSP, computer, and even PS3!
– Virtual Disk, view all the files you’ve saved on Gnextop, and open them with the text editor and change what you want!
– Spreadsheet, create your own spreadsheet!
– Advanced On-Screen Keyboard
– Web Browser
– Instant Messenger (WIP)
– PDF Viewer
– PSP Paint (WIP)
– Ability to run other applications within Gnextop.
– Change your settings, such as desktop wallpaper, theme (two included, Power Blue & Windows XP), and more.
– And so much more, and this is only a Beta!

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Blockoid v0.4 (GP2x Game)

Blockoid is an Arkanoid sytle game coded by KidPaddle.

Changes: (translation from german to english by Kojote)

– Fixed a bug when playing with multiple balls
– Levelformat has been changed, there are now 9 different types of stones to brick, for details check readme.txt
– Counter/seconds for powerups added
– New powerup “W”

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Terrance and Phillip (Build 11) (A2600 Game)

Do you remember the two farting guys “Terrance & Phillip” from South Park? Now those two guys have their very own computergame on the Atari 2600 platform.

Release notes:

I added two new screens and kinda fixed the jump code. What do you think?

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Enter GBC Mode (GBA misc)

Here’s a little GBA program that enters GBC mode.

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DualScheme (03-03-2008) (NDS misc)

DualScheme is a halfway compliant implementation of Scheme for the DS. It includes most of the basic features of the Scheme language. It provides a REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) that shows evaluation results on the top screen, and uses the bottom screen as a virtual keyboard. It does not implement continuations, macros, tail-call optimization, garbage collection, or error handling, and it leaves out a few syntax shortcuts, but other than that, DualScheme allows you to program on the go in the Scheme language!

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Simple Notepad (03-03-2008) (NDS Application)

Simple Notepad is a Notepad application mainly for korean NDS users.

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GraphDS v0.1 (NDS misc)

GraphDS is a program for the DS that implements the class and performs calculations.

Release notes:

I’ve made some more progress on graphDS. Now there’s an easier-to-use keyboard and it can even graph equations. Riemann sums and integration have their own keys, but the syntax is still the same as before.

Integrate: int(expression, left limit, right limit)
Middle Riemann Sum: RM(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)
Left Riemann Sum: RL(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)
Right Riemann Sum: RR(expression, left limit, right limit, rectangles)

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Scogger v0.2 (NDS Game)

Scogger is a simple puzzle game, released in occasion of the Annual drunkencoders christmas game coding competion.

The goal of the game is to make the frog jump over all the tree trunks. The only avaiable direction the frog can move are forward, left and right (no diagonals), with no jump distance limit! Remember that the frog cannot jump backward, and pressing SELECT restart the level! Clean the stage for going to the next level (they are 10) or press START to go to the next one.

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Combos v1.0 (NDS Game)

Combos is like a DDR game where the user is supposed to perform the various actions on the top screen in a given amount of time. There are 4 different actions one can perform with the stylus and also the 4 buttons map to each action.

Thanks to cid2mizard for the news.

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Etch A Sketch DS v0.5 (NDS misc)

spannernick updated his “Etch A Sketch DS” application. This version adds a splash screen, so in particular it’s not a big update.

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