Resonate WIP (PSP Game)

Resonate is a new PSP Homebrew game where the objective is to evolve. You start as a Sea Urchin, and can move up to Tuna, then Stingray then Thresher Shark by collecting evolution tokens. But get damaged, and de-evolve into a lowly Plankton, or lose the level. As a rail shooter it is all about timing and aiming. This game is inspired by the PS2/DreamCast game Rez.

The game has not been released yet, but a video:

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SaveMe v2.0 (PSP Application)

SaveMe is a prx that makes your PSP go into a low consuming mode when you don’t use it for a while.


Now the prx runs in kernel mode (so it kicks out most of the freezes problems)
The prx doesn’t crash when launching internet browser (thanks to kernel mode)
If hold is down, the prx won’t launch (usefull on USB connexions)
Deleted the config file (it will be back soon…) (so time is set to about 30 seconds and cpu to 10MHz)
Now the screen is switched off rather than displaying black background (saves more power)
Nothing is displayed anymore (as the screen is off, it would be useless)

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PCMonitor (Alpha 5) (PSP Application)

This project allows you to view your computers CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP graphically. You are required to run a small server application on the PC which you wish to monitor, the PSP then connects to this over WiFi and displays the info. The server is written in VB6, while the PSP code is in C++.


Bugfix – Second attempt at fixing the overflow ‘6’ error in server (had to do with how much data had been transfered over the network since boot, as always feedback is appreciated)

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Factor v0.3 – A Game of Primes (GP2x Fenix Game)

The idea of the game is that you need to factor a very large number which is a multiple of the first 8 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19. So, for instance:

12355467391260000000 = 2^8 * 3^7 * 5^7 * 7^10

By pressing the left, right, up, down, A, B, X, and Y buttons, you can attempt to divide the large number by a prime. You can increase the power of the prime to attempt more points. Make a mistake and lose even more.

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Rainbow Sprite Wars (RSW_02251350) (NDS Game)

theoxylo has updated his game Rainbow Sprite Wars.


* more enemies (2 + 2 + 32)
* new box enemy type (doesn’t do much yet)
* more colors (rainbow!)
* top-screen controls (recommended)
* 3 projectiles on screen (fire #4 to abort #1, etc)

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iPhone Firmware v1.1.4 (iPhone misc)

With the new version of iTunes, also a new version of the official iPhone Firmware v1.1.4 has been released.

Following most sources, it says that there were no major changes compared to 1.1.3 but you never know…

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iPac3D v0.023 (iPhone Game)

iPac3D is a 3D Pacman game based upon the recently ported Yeti3D engine. Goal is to “eat” all cubes from the playing field.

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DSmines v0.5 (NDS Game)

aGaTHos released his first Nintendo DS homebrew game. It’s a remake of the well known Minesweeper game.

Thanks to for the screenshot and the news.

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Muepp Muepp v2.2 (GP2x Game)

Achim has updated his smily influenced game Muepp Muepp.

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Warcraft – Tower Defense v0.5 (NDS Game)

Warcraft : Tower Defense is a NDS adaptation of the famous Warcraft mod.


– PAFS version is gone, now only the fat/DLDI version is available
+ you can now use the arrow keys to select maps in the menu
+ added 5 automatic levels of difficulty for each map: it affects the life of the monsters, and the final score
+ options are now saved within the rom (require DLDI driver with write support)
+ in-game menu added
+ added possibility to restart the map in-game
+ added quicksave & exit in-game option so you can save your current game and finish it later (require DLDI driver with write support)
+ high-scores are now saved (require DLDI driver with write support)
+ high-scores can be viewed on the map selection screen (press L or R to switch minimap/high-scores)
+ small speedups here and there
+ added some new maps
+ new game icon
= fixed some bugs
= fixed Long Walk TD skeleton’s round

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