Browsr (06-10-2007) (PSP Lua Application)

Browsr is a file browser and launcher written in Lua with a few additional features.


+ MP3 Playback
+ JPG/PNG Viewer
+ Configuration Panel
+ Wallpaper Changer
+ Theme Support
+ LUA Script Launch
+ USB Mode
+ Real-time Clock
+ Battery Information
+ Exit to XMB

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DiceRoller v0.5b (NDS misc)

DiceRoller is a “Dice Roller”, useful for board games like “Dungeons & Dragons”.

Thanks to for the news.

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Lead 8k (04-10-2007) (A2600 Game)

Seemo has updated his game Lead (8k version).


– on scramble stages, enemies flash when you are within their ‘hit’ range
– at the end of a catch stage, the message says ‘+500 / perfect !’ for a perfect stage, or ‘xx / caught !’ for
a ‘normal’ stage
– you can now carry a maximum of three smart bombs, so that you get a power-up for every fourth additional smart bomb. Thanks to Eric “r_type2600” for this suggestion! (the last ‘bonus points’ power-up got splitted into two 249 ‘bonus points’ power-ups)
– reworked a little the sides movement routine

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Custom Firmware Extender v1.7 (PSP misc)

“Custom Firmware Extender” is a set of plugins for 3.71 M33 custom’s firmware, that will, like the title say, add some extra options to the SONY PSP.

With CFE v1.7 you should be able to :

– Stream Isos via usb.
– Start a ftpd server while under the VSH (PSP Menu).
– Make some in-game videos with the help of remotejoy from tyranid (Psp fat only).
– Reset the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
– Power off the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
– Change the speed of the PSP CPU/FSB while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
– Start and stop Usb Mass Storage under the VSH (PSP Menu) while browsing.
– Enable Usb Mass Storage at startup.
– Take a screenshot while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO) saved in the PICTURE folder.
– Set a default CPU/BUS speed at startup.
– Set a default brightness level at startup.
– Enable brightness button to go to the max level for psp slim.
– Fully configurable via a configuration file.

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Books v1.2 (iPhone Application)

Books is a native eBook reader for the iPhone. Capable of reading HTML and plain text stored on your iPhone.

New in version 1.2!

Inline image support! The update you’ve been waiting for! Images smaller than 300 pixels wide will appear as-is; larger images are scaled to fit the iPhone screen. (Sorry, no zooming.) You can still look at individual images, pixel-for-pixel, from the file browser.

Improved sorting in the file browser! Your book files will always appear first in the list, over the images.

Cyrillic support. Thanks to Russian user Michael for pointing me to the correct text encoding.

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iSwitcher v1.56 (iPhone Application)

iSwitcher is a theme / keyboad swapping iPhone application. iSwitcher is 100% compatible with SummerBoard (verified with all versions up to 2.1).

What’s new?

Faster and more useful iSwitcher can now install icons with spaces in their name. I realize this doesn’t sound like a big deal. Trust me, it is. 😀 Version 1.56 is also about 15% faster than v1.45 when loading icon themes and about 20% faster when loading keyboards. (nice…)

Custom Icons We can now load custom icons for each theme. Say you are using the 1984 theme and the next, “can’t do without it” iPhone app is released and you don’t have an icon to match. If the theme developer, or anyone creates a matching icon, all you have to do is put it into the “Icons” subfolder and when iSwitcher is loading that theme, it will install your new icon. This also applies to your own custom apps. I use four one button “dialer” apps and I have made custom icons for all the matching themes.

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PSP Protection Password v0.2 (Slim) (PSP Application)

Protect your PSP from strangers…

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PSPoste v6.2 (Beta) (PSP Application)

Here is a new version of PSPoste the famous email client application for PSP written by David Cummings, Ben Biron and Sajeeth Cherian (see for details).

What’s new then ? It has been linked with latest IR keyboard library (same as PSPIRC), and IR keyboard such as Palm should now work properly. Thanks to Mov from QJ for his help and test.

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iGXP2 (Beta) (iPhone Application)

This is an iPhone version of GolfXpress 2 a Golf scoring application. It’s available via

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Beebem GP2x v0.5.1 (BBC Micro emu for GP2x)

A new version of BeebEm that fixes bugs found in version 0.5 (as discovered so far):

* Multiple key-press keyboard bug fixed.
* File selector no longer crashes if the filename is too long.
* Sideways RAM save state bug fixed (Exile restores state correctly now).

* New GP2X stick handling options – see ‘Change stick mode’ on menu.
* File selection list now wraps round.
* Stick directions are now reversed in ‘flipped’ mode (as you would expect).
* Slight optimisation to audio – so hopefully it’s as fast as it was in version 0.4.

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