ScummVM v1.2.0 (PSP misc)

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!

Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft’s Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution’s Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep’s Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision’s Gobliiins; Westwood Studios’ The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.

General release notes:

CABAL (Coalesced ‘Adventures beyond Architecture’ League) finally came alive, and now for real. Yes, truly, it took us just 6.5 years, and today we are eagerly announcing that a universal adventure game interpreter, playing SCUMM, AGI, and SCI games has been released.

From now on, it is available on ScummVM’s downloads page (Look for version 1.2.0). You may jump straight there, or stay a bit longer and see what cool new features are included.

As you have probably already realized, this release has support for SCI, and moreover, the list of compatible games goes beyond the original FreeSCI which was merged about 1.5 years ago. We support Conquests of Camelot/the Longbow, Castle/Island of Dr. Brain, Codename: ICEMAN, EcoQuest 1&2, all four Hoyle games, Freddy Pharkas, Jones in the Fast Lane, King’s Quest I-VI, both Laura Bow games, Larry up to 6 (low-res 6 only), Police Quest 1-3, Quest for Glory I-III, Space Quest up to V and a few others. Incredible work by the FreeSCI team and our own SCI engine team!

Early SCI 16-color games can be optionally undithered by ScummVM, making them look much better. To see a comparison between undithered graphics and the original, watch this video produced by one of our SCI engine developers and see for yourself.

Besides SCI, we have added support for yet another Coktel Vision game called Fascination and we have a number of new ports: Android, Dingux, Caanoo and OpenPandora. Unfortunately we had to declare the PalmOS port officially dead.

As usual there are tons of engine-specific bug fixes. Take a look at the release notes if you want to know more. But wait! We would like to tell a little bit about another long-awaited feature new in this release. After all these years we are finally going international, and the ScummVM GUI can be translated into any language (well, almost any). Right now we have Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian localizations. Besides this there are a lot of smaller improvements like tooltips, radio buttons, improved usability and we support more games running from original media without the need to shuffle the game files.

Enough talking! Now it is time to download ScummVM and start playing!


1.2.0 (2010-10-15)

New Games:
– Added support for Fascination.

New Games (Sierra SCI0 – SCI1.1):
– Added support for Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Codename: ICEMAN.
– Added support for Conquests of Camelot.
– Added support for Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus.
– Added support for EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest.
– Added support for Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 1.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 2.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Hoyle Classic Card Games.
– Added support for Jones in the Fast Lane.
– Added support for King’s Quest I (SCI remake).
– Added support for King’s Quest IV (SCI version).
– Added support for King’s Quest V (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for King’s Quest VI (low and hi res).
– Added support for Laura Bow: The Colonel’s Bequest.
– Added support for Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 2.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 3.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res).
– Added support for Mixed-up Fairy Tales.
– Added support for Mixed-up Mother Goose.
– Added support for Pepper’s Adventures in Time.
– Added support for Police Quest I (SCI remake).
– Added support for Police Quest II.
– Added support for Police Quest III (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Quest for Glory I/Hero’s Quest.
– Added support for Quest for Glory I VGA remake.
– Added support for Quest for Glory II.
– Added support for Quest for Glory III.
– Added support for Slater & Charlie go camping.
– Added support for Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Space Quest III.
– Added support for Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Space Quest V.
– Added support for The Island of Dr. Brain.

New Ports:
– Added Android port.
– Added Dingux port.
– Added Caanoo port (based on the GP2XWiz port).
– Added OpenPandora port.

– Removed the outdated PalmOS port.
– Switched to the “fast” DOSBox OPL emulator.
– Fixed a crash in the rjp1 player code affecting the FOTAQ Amiga version.
– Added support for more original media layouts.
– Added support for GUI localization.
– Improved GUI by adding tooltips and radiobuttons.
– Improved GUI usability by hiding more irrelevant options not supported by specific games.

– Fixed number of GFX glitches.
– Made PIC drawing code picture perfect.
– Added support of MIDI devices.
– Added support for accurate Tandy sound emulation. Switched to it as default.

Broken Sword 2
– Fixed missing speech in some cutscenes.
– Fixed a memory leak that would eventually cause the game to hang. (#2976008 – BS2: Game lockup in British Museum)

– Fixed number of GFX glitches.
– Made many cutscenes smoother.
– Changed behavior of items menu. Now it shows up on mouse up.

– Added support for the Macintosh version of The 7th Guest.
– Added support for custom MT-32 instruments.

– Fixed some minor graphical glitches.
– Implemented formerly missing recreation of some in game items.
– Added support for playing Kyrandia 3 with the original CD file layout.

– Fixed bug where Goewin could get stuck in the Weregate
– Fixed issue with Ratpouch repeatedly moving between two rooms
– Fix for Goewin losing her schedule after Were-cave
– Fix for player getting stuck in sewer exit room

– Made part one of The Big Red Adventure completable.

– Fixed graphics glitches in several scenes.

– Several improvements in Maniac Mansion NES.

PSP port:
– New backend design: fixed minor graphical issues and enabled 16-bit support.
– Enabled playback of MP3 files using the Media Engine. This means that the port is optimized for MP3 files (as opposed to OGG).
– Many optimizations. Everything should run faster.

Wii port:
– Added support for USB2 mass storage devices (requires The Homebrew Channel >= v1.0.8 with IOS58).

GameCube port:
– Added support for DVDs with the ISO9660 file system.

GP2X port:
– Added support for dynamic engine plugins (experimental).
– Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.

GP2XWiz/Caanoo port:
– Improved downscale code to minimise ‘tearing’ corruption.
– Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.
– Renamed backend from GP2XWIZ to GPH to better reflect the supported devices.

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ScummVM v1.2.0 (PS2 misc)

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!

Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft’s Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution’s Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep’s Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision’s Gobliiins; Westwood Studios’ The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.

General release notes:

CABAL (Coalesced ‘Adventures beyond Architecture’ League) finally came alive, and now for real. Yes, truly, it took us just 6.5 years, and today we are eagerly announcing that a universal adventure game interpreter, playing SCUMM, AGI, and SCI games has been released.

From now on, it is available on ScummVM’s downloads page (Look for version 1.2.0). You may jump straight there, or stay a bit longer and see what cool new features are included.

As you have probably already realized, this release has support for SCI, and moreover, the list of compatible games goes beyond the original FreeSCI which was merged about 1.5 years ago. We support Conquests of Camelot/the Longbow, Castle/Island of Dr. Brain, Codename: ICEMAN, EcoQuest 1&2, all four Hoyle games, Freddy Pharkas, Jones in the Fast Lane, King’s Quest I-VI, both Laura Bow games, Larry up to 6 (low-res 6 only), Police Quest 1-3, Quest for Glory I-III, Space Quest up to V and a few others. Incredible work by the FreeSCI team and our own SCI engine team!

Early SCI 16-color games can be optionally undithered by ScummVM, making them look much better. To see a comparison between undithered graphics and the original, watch this video produced by one of our SCI engine developers and see for yourself.

Besides SCI, we have added support for yet another Coktel Vision game called Fascination and we have a number of new ports: Android, Dingux, Caanoo and OpenPandora. Unfortunately we had to declare the PalmOS port officially dead.

As usual there are tons of engine-specific bug fixes. Take a look at the release notes if you want to know more. But wait! We would like to tell a little bit about another long-awaited feature new in this release. After all these years we are finally going international, and the ScummVM GUI can be translated into any language (well, almost any). Right now we have Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian localizations. Besides this there are a lot of smaller improvements like tooltips, radio buttons, improved usability and we support more games running from original media without the need to shuffle the game files.

Enough talking! Now it is time to download ScummVM and start playing!


1.2.0 (2010-10-15)

New Games:
– Added support for Fascination.

New Games (Sierra SCI0 – SCI1.1):
– Added support for Castle of Dr. Brain (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Codename: ICEMAN.
– Added support for Conquests of Camelot.
– Added support for Conquests of the Longbow (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus.
– Added support for EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest.
– Added support for Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 1.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 2.
– Added support for Hoyle’s Book of Games 3 (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Hoyle Classic Card Games.
– Added support for Jones in the Fast Lane.
– Added support for King’s Quest I (SCI remake).
– Added support for King’s Quest IV (SCI version).
– Added support for King’s Quest V (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for King’s Quest VI (low and hi res).
– Added support for Laura Bow: The Colonel’s Bequest.
– Added support for Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 1 (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 2.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 3.
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 5 (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Leisure Suit Larry 6 (low res).
– Added support for Mixed-up Fairy Tales.
– Added support for Mixed-up Mother Goose.
– Added support for Pepper’s Adventures in Time.
– Added support for Police Quest I (SCI remake).
– Added support for Police Quest II.
– Added support for Police Quest III (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Quest for Glory I/Hero’s Quest.
– Added support for Quest for Glory I VGA remake.
– Added support for Quest for Glory II.
– Added support for Quest for Glory III.
– Added support for Slater & Charlie go camping.
– Added support for Space Quest I (SCI remake) (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Space Quest III.
– Added support for Space Quest IV (EGA and VGA).
– Added support for Space Quest V.
– Added support for The Island of Dr. Brain.

New Ports:
– Added Android port.
– Added Dingux port.
– Added Caanoo port (based on the GP2XWiz port).
– Added OpenPandora port.

– Removed the outdated PalmOS port.
– Switched to the “fast” DOSBox OPL emulator.
– Fixed a crash in the rjp1 player code affecting the FOTAQ Amiga version.
– Added support for more original media layouts.
– Added support for GUI localization.
– Improved GUI by adding tooltips and radiobuttons.
– Improved GUI usability by hiding more irrelevant options not supported by specific games.

– Fixed number of GFX glitches.
– Made PIC drawing code picture perfect.
– Added support of MIDI devices.
– Added support for accurate Tandy sound emulation. Switched to it as default.

Broken Sword 2
– Fixed missing speech in some cutscenes.
– Fixed a memory leak that would eventually cause the game to hang. (#2976008 – BS2: Game lockup in British Museum)

– Fixed number of GFX glitches.
– Made many cutscenes smoother.
– Changed behavior of items menu. Now it shows up on mouse up.

– Added support for the Macintosh version of The 7th Guest.
– Added support for custom MT-32 instruments.

– Fixed some minor graphical glitches.
– Implemented formerly missing recreation of some in game items.
– Added support for playing Kyrandia 3 with the original CD file layout.

– Fixed bug where Goewin could get stuck in the Weregate
– Fixed issue with Ratpouch repeatedly moving between two rooms
– Fix for Goewin losing her schedule after Were-cave
– Fix for player getting stuck in sewer exit room

– Made part one of The Big Red Adventure completable.

– Fixed graphics glitches in several scenes.

– Several improvements in Maniac Mansion NES.

PSP port:
– New backend design: fixed minor graphical issues and enabled 16-bit support.
– Enabled playback of MP3 files using the Media Engine. This means that the port is optimized for MP3 files (as opposed to OGG).
– Many optimizations. Everything should run faster.

Wii port:
– Added support for USB2 mass storage devices (requires The Homebrew Channel >= v1.0.8 with IOS58).

GameCube port:
– Added support for DVDs with the ISO9660 file system.

GP2X port:
– Added support for dynamic engine plugins (experimental).
– Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.

GP2XWiz/Caanoo port:
– Improved downscale code to minimise ‘tearing’ corruption.
– Reworked control system and better touchscreen support.
– Renamed backend from GP2XWIZ to GPH to better reflect the supported devices.

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Cubicle Shooter v0.2 (PS3 Techdemo)

ThatOtherPerson has updated Cubicle Shooter for the PS3!


Here is an updated version of Cubicle Shooter. I’m also providing the source code, as promised, which I will begin doing regularly for all my PS3 stuff. Sorry for the poor quality of the above video. I figure it still communicates what to expect from it better then a still image does.

Notable changes:
Added a wall texture
Added game saving and loading (usb storage device needed)
Removed the floating up and down controls
Added player gravity
Added jumping
Added momentum to the players movement
Added player on wall collision detection
Fixed problems with blast on wall collision detection
Removed the red impact block

Move – Left analog stick
Aim – Right analog stick
Shooter – R1
Jump – X
Save – Select
Load – Start

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RockBot v0.1 (Beta 7) (Dingoo Linux Game)

RockBot is supposed to become a multi-platform action game and borrows elements from Capcom’s Megaman.


Fully playable (if you do not hit a bug) 8 stages and final boss.
Music for all stages and bosses.
More sound effects such as shot reflection.
Player death – after dead first time, you become half-invulnerable; makes easier for testing, will be removed on next version.
Sprites for all bosses.
Better artificial inteligence for NPCs and bosses.
Weapons for all bosses – for testing, you do not need to defeat the boss to try it.
Scaled window for Windows and Linux, as 320×200 is very small in a computer monitor.
Better menu – can leave pressing attack button now.
Water terrain and fixes on stairs and colision.
Port for Dingoo (Dingux).

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RockBot v0.1 (Beta 7) (PS2 Game)

RockBot is supposed to become a multi-platform action game and borrows elements from Capcom’s Megaman.


Fully playable (if you do not hit a bug) 8 stages and final boss.
Music for all stages and bosses.
More sound effects such as shot reflection.
Player death – after dead first time, you become half-invulnerable; makes easier for testing, will be removed on next version.
Sprites for all bosses.
Better artificial inteligence for NPCs and bosses.
Weapons for all bosses – for testing, you do not need to defeat the boss to try it.
Scaled window for Windows and Linux, as 320×200 is very small in a computer monitor.
Better menu – can leave pressing attack button now.
Water terrain and fixes on stairs and colision.
Port for Dingoo (Dingux).

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GnuBoy v1.0.3 (GBC emu for Pandora)

GnuBoy ported for the Pandora. Supports SRAM, up to 10 savestates, fullscreen scaling, proportional scaling.,0,0,0,71,207

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gpFCE-GP2x v0.4 (NES emu for Pandora)

This is the GP2X-Version of FCE-Ultra, an NES emulator packaged up ready for use with the Pandora.,0,0,0,71,224

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Rumbler (RC3) (Wii misc)

Rumbler is an application that makes the Wiimotes rumble. When you press +, the Wiimotes rumble, and when you press -, the Wiimotes stop rumbling.

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Pacman v1.02 (Pacman Arcade emu for Wii)

Pacman is a Pacman Arcade emulator written by A.D.Price and released in 2008 then promptly orphaned. Adopted October 2010 by Dashxdr who fixed the audio issues and cleaned up the source.

The game requires the original pacman game ROMs to be placed on the SD card in SD:/pacman/roms – The ROMs are NOT part of the download

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Caanoo-Write v1.1.0 (Caanoo Application)

Caanoo-Write is a text editor for the Caanoo. It permits to edit even huge text file, in both dos and unix mode, using iso8859-1 (8bits) characters encoding. All iso8859-1 characters are present in the “Danzeff like” virtual keyboard.

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