SleepSense Free v1.230 (Beta) (PPC Application)

SleepSense detects your movements during the night by using your phone’s accelerometer. It keeps track of all the different phases of your sleep and attempts to wake you during a light sleep phase.

SleepSense uses an adjustable time window (e.g. 30 minutes) before the set alarm time and wake you at the optimal moment. You will feel rested and ready to start the day.

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Salat Reminder v0.954 (PPC Application)

Prayer times reminder for Muslims.

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PiX Dash v2 (Wii Game)

PiX Dash is a sample platform game using BennuGD.

Thanks to for the news.

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PacMan E v0.92 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

Metatarsals had his first challenge using the “DS Game Maker”. His choice of game was “Pacman”. It’s a pretty accurate remake with the original gameplay, scoring, bonus score items etc recreated as they were in the original game. The graphics are a revised for a fresh look.

Thanks to the news.

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DaedalusX64 (Revision 563) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[+] Rewrote resampling for ABI1 and ABI2 for a small speedup
[~] Couple of small audio related fixes
[~] Made the FPS display slightly smaller

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TetWiis v1.0 (Wii Game)

TetWiis is a Nintendo Wii Tetris clone, shamelessly based on the Nintendo DS version of Tetris.


Enlarged Game field – game over is much closer to the top now.
High Score Table
Warning sound when you near the top of the game field
Implemented key repeat so you can hold down the D-PAD rather than continuously pressing
Sound options now saved
IOS58/USB Support through HBC 1.08
In game Sound looping improved
Classic Controller Support
Various bug fixes

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DaedalusX64 (Revision 562) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[~]Updated Compat List Titles to reflect roms.ini change. (Thanks Sterist)

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ScummVM v1.1.1 (Wiz misc)

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!

Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft’s Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution’s Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep’s Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision’s Gobliiins; Westwood Studios’ The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.


– Fixed several minor bugs here and there.

– Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when using another language. (#2970211 – DRASCULA: missing german translation)

– Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when AdLib music is selected.

– Fixed several memory leaks.
– Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing actions by closed doors between rooms.
– Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves

– Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.

– Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.

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O2EM v1.18-1 (Odyssey 2 emu for Pandora)

O2EM is a Odyssey 2 emulator for Pandora.


– F9 switches current joystick (needed for some games)
– roms can be in any path, path is remembered, file dialog reopens after game exit,0,0,0,71,186

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UAE4ALL (24-08-2010) (Amiga 500 emu for Pandora)

UAE4ALL for the Pandora has been updated. UAE4ALL is a famous branch of UAE, an well known Amiga emulator. Needs to be optimized but runs tons of games fullspeed!


* Hardware-Scaling (via framebuffer),0,0,0,72,74

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