Archive for January, 2006
Collision Course (GBA Game)

Image provided by: gbadev.orgDonnie Russell II has released a new GBA game called Collision Course. It’s an Asteroids like game.

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GamePark Holding needs a GPL lesson (GP2x misc)

Bjimba posted an interesting article about GamePark Holdings and their attitude to release the Linux kernel source of the GP2x. First impressions: I love this little unit. Runs a Linux 2.4 kernel, plays movies with mplayer, already has MAME ported to it… Really, it has everything in a handheld game/media machine that a hacker-in-the-old-meaning could want.Except for one thing. The [&hellip

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Gnuboy2x 0.5b Teaser (GB/C emu for GP2x)

K-teto is continuing his work on the Gnuboy port for the GP2x. Gnuboy is a Gameboy/Gameboy color emulator. This releases is a TEASER of the upcomming 0.5b version.

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Sudoku v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Yoyo brings us the first Sodoku game for the GP2x.

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SquidgeSNES (11-01-2006) (SNES emu for GP2x)

Squidge has updated his SNES emulater. The compressed archive does not hold a readme.txt or changes.txt so there are no details about the current changes.

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GP2X-F100 Firmware v1.2.1 Rob Brown (GP2x Firmware)

This is a different firmware updater for the GP2x written by Rob Brown. It letyou update the firmware to 1.2.1 using the regular menu, NO SPECIAL SD-Card is required. This release should help everyone who is having troubles updating the regular way.,0,0,0,42,

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GP S.E.U.C.K. v0.0.9 (GP32 misc)

Wub is still working on his S.E.U.C.K. (Shoot’Em Up Construction Kit) for the GP32. It will allow you to build your own shooters WITHOUT coding skills. Changes: Scrolling backgrounds with parallax layers now active as well as a few new titlescreen features.

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PSP News Coding Competition Entries available (PSP misc)

The PSP-News Coding Competition and comes with a couple of HIGH quality entries. McZonk also released his port of Quake2 in this competition, anyway there are many entries which deserve attention. Just go there and have a look.

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CheatDevice v0.7 for LCS (PSP Trainer)

Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game”Liberty City Stories”. A few supported cheats are: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Changes: v0.7: Bikes can drive on wallsGravity Freeze everything Gameplay speed Walking speed Flip over Unlimited heli flying height Cheat Maker

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Outcast v002 (Atari ST emu for GP2x)

Skeezix has updated his Atari ST emulator Outcast. Changes: FIX: Flicker in the menus nolonger exists. CHG: Clears the screen and shows a message when firing up the emu, so you know to wait a moment and whats going on, and no junk at bottom NEW: Enabled throttling by default, to approximately 60Hz though the menu lets you specify 60, [&hellip

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