Archive for September, 2007
Customize v1.06 (iPhone Application)

Customize is a suite customization tools for the iPhone. Changes: Sep 25, 2007 : Corrected lag time in loading (v1.06)

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How to relock your iPhone before the firmware update (iPhone misc)

Erica Sadun is giving an important tip to iPhone users… but read on: Apple has your unlocked iPhone in their crosshairs. What do you do? This method in no way guarantees that your iPhone will survive the update after being unlocked. If you’re risk adverse, you may want to wait a day or two for these instructions to get debugged. [&hellip

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MemtestARM v0.03 (NDS Application)

MemtestARM is a memory testing application for NDS. Thanks to Manu for the news

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Taquin DS (25-09-2007) (NDS Game)

Here comes a slide puzzle game from Odin. Thanks to for the news

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Bunjalloo v0.3 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It is still under development, but can already display simple pages and follow links. Changes: * Complete GUI rewrite. Fixes issue 7 and (most of) issue 5. * Much better connection handling, fixed issue 9 . Uses hot-off-the-compiler dswifi 0.3.3 too. * Better rendering, less multiple blank line problems. * Completely [&hellip

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Five Dice v0.8.8b (iPhone Game)

Think Yahtzee! Fun, and easy to play. Great game for killing a time since it will hold your place. Play whenever you want. The iPhone is a great platform for a native version of this game. Enjoy! Changes: .8.8b Fixed bug where after viewing high scores you could not go back to your current game, only start a new one

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Customize v1.05 (iPhone Application)

Customize is a suite customization tools for the iPhone. Changes: 24 Sep 2007 : Added sound customization, bars images, call slider, and text highlight mask (v1.05)

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PuzzleManiak v2.4 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a partial port of the Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. Changes: # All theme files have been updated. # Global ranking available on the NDS. # 8 games included: Samegame, Slant, Rectangles, Unequal, Flip, Fifteen, Sixteen, Netslide. # Bug in ‘online scores’ fixed. # Bug when pressing ‘Again’ after solving a game fixed

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Rise Of The Triad GP2x v0.2 (GP2x Game Port)

Puck2099 has updated his port of the 3D Ego-Shooter Rise of The Triad. Changes: * Fixed sound problems. * Added game music. * Added TVOut autodetection so now it isn’t necessary to have 2 programs for each version. * Increased clock speed from 133 to 166 Mhz. It isn’t too bad at 133 Mhz, but in maximum difficulty level it [&hellip

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Mobilechat v1.0 (Beta) 1.2.6 (iPhone Application)

Using a simplistic approach, keeping a unified GUI in mind, and using the most light weight methods for executing tasks, MobileChat is the premier AIM Application for the iPhone. In fact, it’s so light-weight and efficient that it runs just about as well on the EDGE network as it does on any WiFi network! Thanks to for the news

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