Michael is working on a “some kind of bombjack” remake for A2600. Release notes: You can already jump around and collect bombs, but no enemies and a couple of other glitches. I am currently working on the platform part of the game, so you cannot jump from a platform, nor do they hinder you. The walls dont work as well [&hellip
Create a Nintendo DS or GBA game with a holiday theme. Be it Wack-a-Santa or nuclear snowball fights with diminutive elves we want to see your wintery creations. PS: Don’t forget the PDRoms compo is still going on till 16th September, you might want to enter there and then do some nice stuff for this compo organized by http://www.drunkencoders.com 🙂
Celeth has returned and plans to continue improving the non public beta page. Let’s see what will happen 🙂 -koj
Dewit has released a new testversion of PocketNES, a NES emulator for GBA (which also works on NDS due to compatibility). Save states will not work in this version! Thanks to http://www.dev-fr.org and http://www.playeradvance.org for the news
This is waywardson’s attempt to recode “Tank Attack” for PSP. It’s in early stages
Sudoku Maniac is a Sudoku game for NDS by graph
IrDA Games” is a homebrew for the PSP system which allows to play you games with an interactive and groundbreaking game-controlling with help of the IR-port of the PSP which reminds the Wii-game-controlling. IrDA Games v0.7 includes 8 different games which allow you to feel Wii on the PSP. IrDA Games v0.7 contains 8 games (5 Singeplayer(Remotefun, Big Bang, Mr. [&hellip
Baly23 has coded this homebrew, Timers. The homebrew will start a lot of timers (maximum 10) in sequential mode like “Nike Running Triax” watches. This could be used in gym or other case
Shoot the alien ships, collect powerups/upgrades
NES.app is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. NES.app uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are [&hellip