Archive for September, 2007
Starfighter-GP2x (GP2x Game Port)

Starfighter-GP2x is a GP2X port of Project:Starfighter, a SDL game by Stephen Sweeney and Richard Sweeney of Parallel Realities. The game is functional, but it needs to be adjusted from it’s current 800×600 resolution down to 320×240, or even 640×480 for both a speed increase and to eliminate downsampling artifacts

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LuaArcade (PSP Lua Game)

Here comes a new game coded in Lua for PSP… Author release notes: I’ve been working on this for a while, but sadly enough I never had much time to finish it. Because its been too long since I worked on it and I don’t have the caurage right now to pick it up again I’m going to post what [&hellip

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Powder (Release 88) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters. You may wish it didn’t as I drew the tiles and am not an artist. Changes: * Accruements is spelled properly (David [&hellip

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Powder (Release 88) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters. You may wish it didn’t as I drew the tiles and am not an artist. Changes: * Accruements is spelled properly (David [&hellip

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PuzzleManiak v2.0 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a partial port of the Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. 11 games are ported on NDS now: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies and Slitherlink (Loopy). Changes: * DLDI patching is now mandatory. * Some bugs in game saving have [&hellip

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mpdDS v0.3.3 (NDS Application)

mpdDS is an open-source mpd client developed for the Nintendo DS console. Release notes: I have uploaded a new build, compiled against dswifi 0.3.3. So MPDDS should now work fine on all Nintendo DS, even the latest Nintendo DS Lite models with the new firmware, and work with all router setups too

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PSP Wave Changer v1.3 (PSP Application)

Author release notes: I created this homebrew app so i could flash my own waves to my psp. It is fairly easy to use and it shouldnt brick your psp unless the file you select to copy is not a system_plugin_bg.rco file. If anyone does use this then use it at your own risk and make sure you know how [&hellip

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MapThis v0.5.01 (PSP Application)

deniska has updated his GPS application MapThis to v0.5.01 (Beta). Changes: -disabled map boundry restrictions: you should be able to follow a route off the map w/o annoing popup mesage.. – better shared objects handling (seems to be very robust under 3.51 FW – no crushes yet) -fixed relaxed lookup bug – better zoom in/out logic – new sounds – [&hellip

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Yet Another Operating System (PSP Lua Application)

Yet Another Operating System runs like an Operating System for the PSP. Using the file browser you can view PNG and JPG files as well as Run LUA Files

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Cave Story v1.04 (GP2x Game Port)

Cave Storyis a traditional action-adventure game, reminiscent of the Castlevania and Metroid games. [Taken from wikipedia] Changes: Fixed the “Rest Area” bug

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