Archive for April, 2008
TangledBugs v1.31 (PPC Game)

TangledBugs is a remake of the good old Untangle game! While the spiders were moving around the forest, they got their webs completely tangled up… Try to move the bugs around and untangle the mess… Crossing lines are shown in white, untangled lines in green. Four game modes are currently available : – Classic Play : start by untangling 6 [&hellip

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Time Baby v13e (PSP Application)

Art updated his clock/time application “Time Baby”. Release notes: Here’s a major bug fix update with a sexy new feature as well 🙂 This release should resolve issues with the Mad MP3 Player for those that were hanging onto V12c, so newer features can be used. Also, there is now a graphic display for the Heart Rate Monitor mode for [&hellip

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QBert (01-04-2008) (A2600 Game)

jbs3000 updated his QBert remake for Atari 2600. Quote: SECOND TO LAST UPDATE OK, I have completed everything except for adding other characters. Here’s what I have: _1) 3 levels with 4 rounds a piece. ____a) On the first level simply jump on all of the blocks once to clear the round. ____b) On the second level, you have to [&hellip

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Woctochat v0.3 (Beta) (NDS Application)

Circus has updated his Nintendo DS application “Woctochat&#

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Nintendo DS – Compo 1 – Mandelbrot Set (NDS misc) are having a coding competition for Nintendo DS. Read on: Problem Statement This first competition is about plotting the Mandelbrot set, which is a noteworthy fractal that is both simple and complex at the same time. First of all, this is a speed optimisation contest; so, the winner will be the entry which completes the tasks set before it [&hellip

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OpenTTD DS (Alpha 6) (NDS Game Port)

OpenTTD DS is a port of OpenTTD for Nintendo DS. OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. Changes: based on [&hellip

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SMS SDL DC v0.1 (Master System emu for DC)

This is a very quick port of SMS+SDL 7.1 by Gregory Montoir which was based on 0.9.4a of SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald. Put your .sms and .gg ROMs in /roms and burn

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CPS3 PSP v1.0 (CPS3 emu for PSP)

After some weeks of silence Akop Karapetyan (Uberjack) is back with a new emulator for PSP. This time he presents “CPS3 PSP”, which is a Capcom Play System III emulator for PlayStation Portable

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Go Bear Go (GP2x Fenix Game)

Zikitrake released a new game for GP2x called “Go Bear Go”. Thanks to for the news

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Tetrablocks v0.4 (GP2x Game)

Phaxan has released his first homebrew project for GP2x. It’s a Tetris style game called “Tetrablocks&#

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