DronS is a 3D Tron style game. Changes: + Added mirror of the whole arena on the ground. + Mirroring got it’s own menu + Added “Player left!” message + You can change the distance between you & the wall you have to be for speeding-up + Multi-Langual support, [Now I just need translations…] + Czech translation added [translated by [&hellip
Steve Corey updated his port of PrBoom to the Nintendo Wii. PrBoom is a cross-platform version of the classic 3D first person shooter Doom from id Software. Changes: Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for testers. We’ve verified that this new package works great with the Homebrew Channel, so I’ve updated the zip file and put it out [&hellip
Powernoid is a Breakout clone by Art. Release notes: This is one of the few GAME programs I have written, and by far my favourite. Powernoid V1 was written in less than two days. I always loved a particular Breakout clone that I played on the Amiga CD32, and that is the public Domain game that I found on a [&hellip
Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2. Changes: Here’s a new release of Visual Boy Advance GX – 1.0.5. This version is a collection of minor changes and bugfixes. Amongst other things it includes working SDHC support, and wiimote power button [&hellip
Tantric has released a third version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. This new version addresses some sound issues from the last version and fixes compatibility with the Qoob Pro chip on GameCube consoles. Changes: Here’s a new release of FCE Ultra GX – 2.0.7. This version includes [&hellip
Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again. Changes: Here’s a new release of Snes9x GX – 007, from michniewski and myself (Tantric). Special thanks to eke-eke for making improvements to and hunting down several bugs in the video code. This version includes many bug fixes and minor improvements. Amongst the new features are SDHC [&hellip
WiiBuilder is a Windows software to use for Wii homebrew development. Features: – Convert Portable Network Graphics (.png) to C array in header file (.h), works with GRRLIB 3.0 and libwiisprite – Convert Images (.gif, .bmp, .jpeg or .jpg) to header file (.h), works with GRRLIB 2.0 or less – Convert XML (.xml) to C array in header file (.h) [&hellip
MIDI-Jammer turns your DS into a wireless MIDI Controller. It lets you “draw” musical ideas and shapes in a manner that is both easy to pickup for a non-musician and also consistent/coherent enough that those who are trained musicians can have a high-degree of MIDI control through the interface. Changes: I just upgraded it and added a preset feature, and [&hellip
PRXutility++ allows you to gain several information about your battery, such as time left, charge level, temperature and voltage. It also shows you which motherboard your PSP has and gives information about CPU and BUS speed. PRXutility++ also allows you to shutdown, reboot or let your PSP sleep
“Stargate Universe DS” by killer01 is a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMORTS) for Nintendo DS. It bases on the popular Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis TV series. Thanks to www.nintendomax.com for the news!