MPlayerWii is an audio/video player. It is a native port of the MPlayer media player. Changes: MPlayerWii v0.07 DCelso & Qualith MOD R2 This new release includes support to DVD by tipolosko, SDHC, sequential and random play
Touhou DS by Spuzkaizer is a Shoot Em Up game for Nintendo DS. Changes: bugfixes: – Shows an error message instead of silently crashing in the case of a broken installation. – The current score was added to the list of high-scores twice if you used restart or quit after losing all your lives. – Pausing the game stopped the [&hellip
Hermes has updated his text reader application for Nintendo Wii. Changes: – Version 1.1B with improved resampling, use of asndlib and floating point arithmetic for the MP3 player Thanks to for the news!
iR Shell byAhMan is a shell replacement for PSP. Changes: New Features for PSP Slim: – Added support to homebrews that are built with the option PSP_LARGE_MEMORY, that is, to use the extra slim memory. When running these homebrews under iR Shell, they will have access to another 26MB slim RAM. Pls note 2MB of slim RAM is reserved for [&hellip
Poustak released Blobby Volley for PlayStation Portable. Release notes: I have completely rewritten the code and can play against an AI. The AI is not very strong but should provide some difficulties for people who have never played on a PC Blobby Volley
Homebrew Portal Launcher allows you to boot portals via psp->game. You dont need to open your webbrowser, and select the portal url from your bookmarks
spike_132000 and NemesisXposed released a preview version of their RPG “Crimson Knights – Fall of Xenon”. Release notes: Hey There Guys and Gals of the PSP Homebrew World, I release to you today, a Preview of a Work in progress. Basically, it’s just a preview of what we got going here at [dik]* Games I would appreciate it if someone [&hellip
Memory Stick Utility previously known as IPL Dumper has been updated. Memory Stick Utility is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a Memory Stick. Changes: – Added option to extract Memory Stick MBR – Added detection of available IPL space and Memory Stick Information – Added option to extract entire IPL space from [&hellip
Lockdown In-Game will require you to enter a password when you resume your PSP from suspend mode. Useful to prevent other people from messing up your progress if you put the PSP in suspend during a game. Changes: – Optimized the code a bit. – The PSP doesn’t automatically suspend after entering a wrong password. You can now press Select [&hellip
M-HT released an update to his Albion remake for GP2x. Datafiles from the original Albion game (v1.38) are still required and do not come with the download package. Changes: – bug fixes, bug fixes and more bug fixes – minor optimizations – internal changes