CSPortable, which stands for Counter Strike Portable, is a Conter Strike fangame based upon a ported Quake 1 engine. Changes: Here is a small update look in first page to see what is new menu music isn?t working good yet. i don?t have much time to work on csportable. Thanks to www.tehskeen.com for the news!
A new PS3 BD-J Game by Buunyan. Solve the calculation as fast as possible, you have to add the numbers of the x and y axis. Thanks to snesy for the Japanese translation
Jirai Sagashi is a Minesweeper clone by Buunyan. Changes: – bug fixes – Added: Time – Added: Change number of bombs – Added: Change resolution Thanks to snesy for the Japanese translation
Copete23 released DSpertator, it is an alarm clock app that includes 17 different melodies. Thanks to www.nintendomax.com for the news!
Here is the final version of PSPColem the Coleco Vision emulator for PSP. For those who haven’t seen previous versions, ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It’s running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems. PSPColem is a port to PSP of Colem (Unix version 1.0). Changes: [&hellip
The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want. Changes: – Wlan adapter should now work with the HBB – Applications should now be detected properly – When [&hellip
A dodge the squares game by xXChromeXx. Changes: – Added Highscores for both modes – Changed the eboot
Jayenkai has updated his puzzle platform game JNKPlat. Release notes: Contains the usual files, 3 dldi, 3 non-dldi. If your cart Auto Patches, use the dldi one..! The Game Same game it’s always been, but now it’s got extra graphical styles! Wowie! Tap the new button on the menu to flick through them. Thanks to Sir Voe (from GBADev.org) for [&hellip
Kiwiz has updated his game Double Battles. This game is about a duel between two players. Changes: – Music added. – Visual aspect renewed. – Now the 2 players can shoot
zodttd ported MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) to the iPhone. Features: – Based on MAME v0.37 Beta 5 – Although MAME v0.37 Beta 5 is quite old, and I’m not quite sure why it was chosen as the basis for many ports to ARM handhelds yet, it still supports over 2000 ROMs! – These arcade game’s date range from the [&hellip