Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images. Changes: I’ve just put up yet another new version of Bunjalloo. This one fixes a load of bugs that caused lots of top pages to be broken. In particular you can log in to GMail again. [&hellip
signCheck is a homebrew application wich checks if your IOSes can use the fakesigning. Uses TMD and TIK forging by PatchMii, SU ident by Any Region Changer. Changes: Completely rewritten, now check all the ios in the wii and adds a pair of new checks
UAE is a famous Amiga emulator ported to the Wii. UAE Wii can be found on googlecode at uae-wii.googlecode.com, and is based on the source code of E-UAE. The port uses SDL Wii. Changes: – Correct banner showing errors. With this fix, a dialogue box is now opened if kick.rom is missing – Support Cloanto’s amiga forever ROMs in the [&hellip
tehpola ported Open Jazz, to the Nintendo Wii, it is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games. Quote: Port of Alister’s Jazz Jackrabbit engine, OpenJazz, to the Wii. Aims to have 1-1 feature support with the PC version with as minimal of changes as possible
Here comes an updated version of Wolfenstein 3D for the Wii. Because Wolfenstein 3D is showing swastika’s during ingame, we can not provide any links as it would be against german law. In particular it would be against paragraph 86 StGB “Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen”. Allthough this is just an engine port of Wolfenstein 3D, the game itself is [&hellip
thecraziness1 released a Plugin Manager for PlaystationPortable. Quote: This program allows you to easily all the top best plugins out there. It also allows you to edit the plugins that have config files such as noobs Dayiewer from within the program so there is no need to go in and manually edit the text files. It also allows you to [&hellip
BootMii Configuration Editor llows you to change the values in the /bootmii/bootmii.ini file without having to take out the SD card and edit it on a PC. Changes: – Settings Dialog to change editor settings. This can be accessed by pressing the ‘HOME’ button. The settings are persisted to the langauges file, so if you change the language/skin, whenever you [&hellip
Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii based on VBA-M. Changes: * Fixed auto-update * Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size * Added text scrolling on file browser * Added reset button for controller mappings * Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from [&hellip
Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii based on VBA-M. Changes: * Fixed auto-update * Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size * Added text scrolling on file browser * Added reset button for controller mappings * Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from [&hellip
FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of FCE Ultra v0.98.12. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui. Changes: * Fixed auto-update * Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size * Added text scrolling on file browser * Added reset button for controller mappings * Settings are now [&hellip