sepulep released a modified version of Pickle’s Dosbox port for the GP2x. Release notes: (Pickle’s port) compiled with a FM synth running on the 940 core, as well as the sources for this (and an example configuration) it is alpha, works only for OPL2 synthesis at the moment. It doesn’t do miracles but gives a little bit more speed, I [&hellip
yohanes updated his Apple II emulator for Nintendo Wii. Changes: – new keyboard driver, now work with most USB keyboards
Gets videos from YouTube and transcodes them to GP2X compatible video files. Also supports Google Video, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Veoh, PornoTube, RedTube, and YouPorn
XM7Play by sverx is a simple XM player based on libxm7. Changes: There were errors that were blocking the program after failures in loading a module. Now you’re able to resume and choose another tune
3D Engine – Nitro Engine is a 3D engine coded by Antonia Nino Diaz. Changes: – Text system and camera system optimized. New functions for the camera system. – NE_TextPrintBox and NE_TextPrintBoxFree slightly changed. They can limit the text drawn to a number of characters set by the coder. – Some functions made internal. Don’t use them unless you know [&hellip
yohanes updated his Apple II emulator for Nintendo Wii. Changes: – Sound support – Fix joypad problem – Invalid disk image will not freeze the emulator (in case of invalid disk, Master.dsk will be reloaded)
Wii-Tac-Toe is a Tic-Tac-Toe game for the Nintendo Wii. It was programmed in C++ using devkitPro along with GRRLIB. The game can be played alone vs the CPU or with a friend using one Wiimote. The game AI does not always do the same moves, so the fun never stop. To win the game, you have to place three marks [&hellip
Piero’s Wiicross is a picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture
RedSquare is an classic 2D action game. Click and hold the red square. Now, move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks. If you make it to 31 seconds, you are doing brilliantly! Changes: – Bugfix: Global highscore xml data is now always processed right. – Network thread status is [&hellip
Wiibreaker is a brickbreaker game by Arikado. Release notes: All of the artwork, including the icon, has been redone by Azza123 – Bricks are randomly assigned different colors – Signifigant changes to the overall game – SDHC Support – Power Button Support – Bug Fixes – User Generated Backgrounds – IR Sensor Control Scheme – A far better menu (font [&hellip