Total_Noob released Ultimate VSH Menu for PlayStation Portable. Features: – Press SELECT for open/close Ultimate VSH Menu – Don’t activated VSH Menu in camera – Don’t activated VSH Menu in internet browser – Possibility to change XMB CPU – Possibility to change Game CPU – Possibility to change USB device – Possibility to change UMD iso mode – Possibility to [&hellip
Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. Release notes: Compiled statically with open2x runtime. See the website for the source
M-HT and Senor Quack updated their X-Com port for GP2x. Note: The Original X-COM: UFO Defense Version 1.4 required! Changes: List of changes: * renamed configuration file UFO.cfg to Ufo.cfg + working intro + added a sync call after saving a game + working sound + working music changes by Senor Quack: + F200 touchscreen support for both left and [&hellip
maRk2512 updated his remake of the Amiga game Stone Age. Changes: Press X + L to restart the map
XM7Play by sverx is a simple XM player based on libxm7. Changes: 1st: Now it loads also squeezed XMs. No more loading errors, hopefully. 🙂 2nd: It includes a little sample optimizer (well, I’m still working on it…) that optimizes samples that would probably have detuning problems (or even don’t play at all) if played without manipulation. (You can temporary [&hellip
Woopsi is a Nintendo DS GUI library for rapidly creating user interfaces for homebrew software. Modelled after the AmigaOS windowing system. Release notes: Fixes: – ListBox::setAllowMultipleSelections() works correctly. – Replaced byte and short iterator variables with ints. – Compatible with devKitPro v24 and libnds 1.3.1. – Renamed “DynamicArray” to “WoopsiArray” for compatibility with dkp24. – Made libnds makefile the default [&hellip
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself. Changes: – Replaced the Readme screen with a Status screen. – Updated the following Support Tools: [&hellip
DJ Drops is a musical puzzle game where you have to clear levels by resisting until the end of the song. Release notes: I just compiled a new demo of my DJ Drops game so people who like the serie can have a look on what I’m doing. It contains the old level “S Soup” in normal difficulty, that I [&hellip
MPlayerWii is an audio/video player. It is a native port of the MPlayer media player. Release notes: MPlayer r27458 with Spanish language by Duhow. Added help, more commands, changed buttons (Similar to GeeXboX) and translated in Spanish
Cpasjuste updated his Custom Firmware Extender. Changes: – Removed the USB autostart feature since the 5.00 fw include a similar function. – Fixed a bug that prevented the auto-sleep and backlight auto-off features to work. – Combo button’s are back (change the cpu/brightness, take screenshots with a quick combo key). – Fully configurable via the menu, changes can be saved. [&hellip