Touch the screen next to flamethrower storage to acquire a flamethrower. Once you have a flamethrower, press A and let things burn! Changes: -hangun -second carry on weapon -missile does’nt fly all the way around if you click at an angle of greater than
TetWiz is a simple Tetris clone for Wiz. Changes: Version 1.1: Particles of dissolved Lines should move smoother now
XM7Play by sverx is a simple XM player based on libXM7. It plays XMs and most common format MODs with up to 16 channels directly from your FAT memory card
libXM7 is a C library to play XM modules on Nintendo DS using only ARM7 resources (thus freeing your ARM9 from that task). The use of XMs as a background music in your games allows much more flexibility compared to the old MOD format: more channels, multisample instruments, envelopes, panning and so on. In addition, the XM format is very [&hellip
GameUP is a new utility for Nintendo DS that conclude the trilogy of Mik’s Up-Series homebrews (together with OsUp and SkinUP). This new program allows you to take ever your homebrew game archive up to date, giving the possibility to download all the best not-commercial games of the amateur scene. This homebrew works on all the flashcards that support the [&hellip
Cobain updated his homebrew game project Closed to v1.7. Thanks to for the news
Zero Dollar Store is an application store for Windows Mobile in early development stages
“Where is…” is a new GPS program for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET. It gives you distance and direction from your destination without any internet connection or other expensive navigation programs
This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time. Changes: Version 1.5.5 – Fixed: update service small bug fixed – now you can see when you download a beta version + auto find startup folder name fixed (only in case that [&hellip
Rookie1 is creating a menu system for Dingoo Linux which resembles the default Dingoo menu. The video linked shows it launching Gnu Robbo (from Gadgetoid). Next step is to implement a file choser to pick the rom file name before launching the emulator. Video: