Android rewrite of the original Windows game “Alien Blood Bath&#
This is a port of the KDE game “knetwalk”, by Andi Peredri, Thomas Nagy, and Reinhold Kainhofer. Ported to Android by Ian Cameron Smith (headstay); released under GPL. Includes MTRandom by David Beaumont, released under LGPL. The player is given a network diagram with the parts of the network randomly rotated; he/she must rotate them to connect all the terminals [&hellip
An app for Android intended to allow you to update your status in one simple place and have a set of different services updated
Jythonroid is an implementation of Jython in Android Dalvik Vitual Machine
Ringdroid is an Android application for recording and editing sounds, and creating ringtones, directly on the handset
ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for the Android platform. Its ultimate goal is to create a secure connection through which you can use a shell on a remote machine and transfer files back and forth to your phone
The first version of ManageLogs is now available for testing. This is the one that automatically keeps your CallLog in check, without having to remember to run anything
Microlog is a small logging library for Java ME (J2ME) like Log4j. It has support for logging to console, file, RecordStore, Canvas, Form, Bluetooth, a serial port (Bluetooth, IR, USB), Socket(incl SSL), UDP, Syslog, MMS, SMS, e-mail or to Amazon
This program is a touch driver to handle the touchscreen presses and vibration. A settings program exists to configure how the vibration works. Since this is a touch driver, there is no program you need to run to start it. Changes: – Windows Mobile 5 is now supported
Retrogaming Times Monthly #54 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things. Content of this issue: 01. Attract Mode 02. Apple II Incider – Nightmare Gallery / Centipede 03. Gametap – Worth the Price? 04. Old School Gamer Review – Doom 05. Game Over