Achim updated his “catch the smily” game. Changes: – Game should not crash anymore – 2 minigames (Labyrinth u& Masquerade)
Orkie has released a program called Cramfsldr, which allows you to pull several multiple files into one .gpe. This will allow a modification of the current PDRoms Coding Competition ( //phpbb/viewforum.php?f=59 ) to allow FENIX users, but with the restriction to be forced using Cramfsldr, which will make everything “ready to go”. The rules itself will be updated on monday, [&hellip
This is a release from GP2x developer PotA which has slipped under our news radar. Thanks to for the news
PotA brings us a very polished version of Shanghai / Mahjong for the GP2x. Thanks to for the news
The korean GP2x developers are not sleeping. Here is a new puzzle game called Znumber2x
This Easy Installer copies only the necessary files according the type of your PSP. So, if you have slim it doesn’t copy the 1.50 kernel, otherwise it copies it. You don’t have to worry about spare files and what exactly to do
urlclip: Create URL webclips from the commandline. Release notes: Erica Sadun | 10:29 am | January 30, 2008 | Test Requests, Update, Utilities, iPod touch, iPhone On request, here’s urlclip. It’s just like teleclip but is not dedicated to creating telephone-based webclips. Instead it is a general tool that allows you to use any iPhone-legal URL, including http:, tel: itms: [&hellip
Erica Sadun has updated her application SendSong to be compatible with FW 1.1.3. Release note: Good news: It’s updated. Bad news: You can only use it with .m4a files and it’s slow to load because it has to search for those artists who have m4a music
Release notes: My new utility teleclip takes two arguments: a name and a phone number. It creates and loads a new webclip using those arguments, e.g. teleclip “Steve Jobs†“408-555-1212?. When tapped, the webclip launches Safari and asks whether you want to continue making the call. I’ve put the utility into the Erica Utilities folder but it’s not yet part [&hellip
UIct provides an interactive GUI for launchctl. This allows you to load, unload, start and stop daemons without resorting to the comand line. For experienced Unix users only