The creators behind Polygunwars released an updated version today
This program displays different shaped objects on your NDS. You can rearrange them as you like – basically that’s it. Changes: – if you hold an object and press down, you can rotate it – new (not yet perfect) background – new symbol Thanks to for the news
“Alternative VSHMenu” is an alternative VSHMenu that has the same functions as the M33 VshMenu and additional utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to set the console into sleep-mode, to activate and to disactivate the M33 VshMenu from the dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
This updater will update your 3.72 HX-1 to 3.72 HX- finished their “Who can do it on PSP” compo, where the aim was to create a Rubiks Cube came for PSP. And here is Seb’s version&# finished their “Who can do it on PSP” compo, where the aim was to create a Rubiks Cube came for PSP. And here is Alcantor’s version&# finished their “Who can do it on PSP” compo, where the aim was to create a Rubiks Cube came for PSP. This Rubiks Cube version has been coded by Sinasquax finished their “Who can do it on PSP” compo, where the aim was to create a Rubiks Cube came for PSP. This one is by Quadrizo
WorDS is a very simple Notepad application for Nintendo
GoSub2, the successor of GoSub has been updated… Build 54 is out!